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Everything posted by smarktalk

  1. I was able to fix this by stopping my docker service and changing from macvlan to ipvlan.
  2. Since upgrading to 6.12.1 from 6.11, I am seeing Server Execution errors for any dockers that are currently stopped. I've tried doing a Force Update but still have the same issue. Dockers that auto started after the upgrade seem to be ok but I fear them stopping and then not being able to start.
  3. I've got what I think is everything setup between LazyLibrarian and Calibre-Web but I seem to be at a loss for Calibre-Web to notice an updated book. LazyLibrarian deposits the book in the same folder that Calibre is looking at but I don't see an option to "update" Calibre to reflect the new book. Unless I'm blind, which I'm open to being.