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Posts posted by bubiman

  1. On 9/7/2019 at 8:45 AM, johnnie.black said:

    Does this still happen?

    Short version:

    It is working under debian with luks


    Long version:

    I downloaded a Debian 10 KDE Live image, put it on an USB Stick and powered up the system. I used the same drive for the encryption as under unraid. I followed this https://linuxwiki.de/cryptsetup tutorial to create an encrypted partition and used this https://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/Einfache_Samba_Freigabe_unter_Debian tutorial to configure samba.

    I copied the same 24gb .zip file as with my unraid test and it is working https://youtu.be/7KjoiDDAKFA . The speed is slowing down a couple of times but it is working. 


    So it is not the hardware it is unraid that is causing the problems (?)

    What should I do next?

  2. Hello,

    I am sorry it took me so long but here is an update:


    I returned the board, got a new one and found time to install it yesterday .... the error is still there.

    So it is not the hardware, it must be the software.


    I have captured a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mokFtmuvow copying files to a non-encrypted and to an encypted hdd. The error seams not to appear while copying small files (680mb) but on large files (24gb). After some time copying the large file the speed goes down till I get an windows explorer error.


    I realy need help with this. What should I try? What log files do you need?


    Thanks for your help



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