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  1. /config/data/metadata did the trick for me. I did not delete anything.
  2. Yep. It was the missing metadata folder. I moved it into /config/data/metadata, restarted and everything looks good now. The People folder is for Actors, Directors, etc. It looks like the user data was stored in /config/config/users but have now been moved to an actual db? (/config/data/data/users.db) Not too sure on that one, but like I said it was trivial to correct.
  3. The user was named differently previously, but it was easy to just rename it again (talking about the users inside the application). It does look like my library had to be rescanned. Not sure it's the "fault" of the container or the application. It's a beta product after all. Attaching the file structure as requested just in case.
  4. Looking good! Unraid automatically pulled down the new image and it is working. My user account was renamed to 'nobody', but that's the only issue I can see thus far. Thanks for the extra work on this one. I think there are a lot of us that have high hopes for this project as both Plex and Emby keep pulling in more.. corporate directions.
  5. Thanks for looking into this. The good news is that the new version does show as The bad news is that it fails to start up in Unraid. I tried renaming my appdata folder in case there was something off there. The result was the same.
  6. I show : binhex/arch-jellyfin as the repository. The Docker Hub URL is : https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/binhex/arch-jellyfin/
  7. Is anyone else having a problem pulling down version 10.2.0-1-01 that was built a couple of days ago? I have removed the old image and pulled down the new one but I keep just getting the 10.1.0-3-03 version from a couple of weeks ago. If i look at Docker hub i notice both releases have the same commit source and i'm wondering if that is the issue here. Previous releases have a unique source.
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