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Posts posted by 15goudreau

  1. 20 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    Same if they are on USB 2.0 ports?

    The motherboard doesn't have 3.0 ports. The case connection has 2, 2usb ports and those have disconnected, the back motherboard slots there are only 2. One has the unraid usb drive, the other has a 4 port expander on it which various devices have detached off of.

  2. Unraid version 6.7.2, although it happened on 6.6.6


    So I have an issue that has persisted for a while and I am guessing it is an unraid issue and not a hardware issue, although I don't have a good way to verify. My USB drives that are plugged in will just straight disconnect for no reason. Now usually this wouldn't be a big deal, but in a VM they don't autoconnect back and I have to use a plugin to re-attach them. Which is frustrating as one is a windows VM and I have to use a different machine to go to the web portal for unraid and do it. This happens to all my devices at some point, I have a mouse, keyboard, zwave stick, UPS, all of which have had this happen at one point or another. I would love to know if others have had this issue and know a fix. If there is any information I can provide to help debug I will do my best to produce it. Thanks!

  3. 1 hour ago, aptalca said:

    We (linuxserver.io) always recommend /mnt/cache for config folder locations. /mnt/user goes through fuse, which can have unwanted consequences for app files. If there is no cache drive, the alternative would be /mnt/diskX which also doesn't use fuse and instead writes directly to the disk

    So myself, probably and many others, set stuff up as spaceinvaderone suggest with the appdata. Can you elaborate why it might not be a good idea for /mnt/user to be used instead of /mnt/cache? Is it fine to just have the folder in /mnt/cache? Will that mess up any cache settings of the docker? I'm not a super power user in unraid so there aren't always reasons why to do something and I am just using a suggestion from someone else without knowing the full reason. Would love more information about that.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Magiverous said:

    Hi guys, I'm having a weird issue after the most recent update.


    Having just gotten around to updating, I can no longer get openVPN to start correctly.  Please see the image below for a snap of the log file - seems a directory has gone awry...





    *edit* looks like others have had the same issue, is there a confirmed solution yet? If I have to set it all up AGAIN I think I'm just done with this container.  Every other update it seems like I have to reconfigure from scratch...

    It could be just the default location for the /config as explained up. I am going to re-set up instead of using appdata and put in directly onto the cache drive and see if it happens again when an update hits. I agree this is obnoxious and none of my other containers suffer this issue so I have to think it's an openvpn-as issue completely.

  5. Hi All,


    I seem to have a reoccuring problem with openvpn whenever I update the docker container. This has happened multiple times, and I have usually fixed it by deleting the whole docker and starting from scratch, I don't feel like this is a valid way of dealing with this problem though. So whenever I update the docker, it seems to start fine, but fails to load anything. This is the run command


    and the log file




    I am unsure what is going on here, if it's a file location, a configuration error or what. I followed the spaceinvaderone video that was update in 2019 to set this up. Any help would be much appreciated as this is a real pain point in my vpn. Thanks!

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