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Everything posted by sbaak

  1. Yes pip install -r requirements.txt, maybe with or without a venv, if a venv then may have to point the plugins exec (in its yml) to the venv's python I wrote the unraid section of this readme a while ago. may need to follow that if python or something is missing. --------------- edit: Sorry I didnt look at that repo before I wrote that, none of those use a venv. just do this docker exec -it Stash sh apk update apk add git cd ~/.stash/plugins git clone apk add python3-dev python -m pip install requests ### add the other things to the above command if you want to use that yt-dl_downloader plugin exit
  2. Don't know if you figured that out by now but basically just need to make sure those folders are available on your network. Mount them where stash is and then add a path or a few in stashs docker config. - I created some random folder on another machine and put 1 file there. - This other machine happens to be windows so i right clicked the folder>prop>sharing>share - On unraid, where stash is, i mounted it with mount -t cifs -o username={someUsername} \\\\\\downloads /mnt/user/drop/winshare - Edit stash docker to add another path (i set it to RW/Slave but that may not matter) Container Path: /testShare Host Path: /mnt/user/drop/winshare/ - Added that /testShare as a library in stash settings - Did a scan - Played the file to make sure it worked - Deleted the file from stash to see if that would work - Seems fine you'll probably/maybe lose that mount if you ever restarted. idk. if that happened id probably just user script it. and i chose that route because i liked this guys answer, not because i know anything. Good luck.
  3. sure just edit this one (or make a new one) that looks like this. You just need to account for these settings docker run -d \ --name=<container name> \ -p 5050:5050 \ -v <path for data files>:/data \ -v <path for config files>:/config \ -e FG_WEBUI_PASSWD=<desired password> \ -e FG_LOG_LEVEL=info \ -e FG_LOG_FILE=flexget.log \ -e PUID=<UID for user> \ -e PGID=<GID for user> \ -e TZ=<timezone> \ wiserain/flexget and then the version is If the webui doesn't like your password just open console and type flexget web passwd <somepassword> Other notes from the readme Additional packages If there are additional packages you may want to install, create bash script with any name under /config/custom-cont-init.d, for example, #!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash apk add -q --no-cache <alpine pkgs> pip install <python pkgs> Then, it will run every container start. Custom plugins You can install custom plugins by FG_PLUGINS="{plugin_name_1} {plugin_name_2}" whose value is a space-separated list of plugin names. Currently available ones are write_magnet: Mostly same as built-in convert_magnet but expect better performance and improved error handling, which is compatible with a version of libtorrent containerized in this image. I haven't used it yet past logging in to the webui so no idea if something doesn't work.