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Posts posted by ados

  1. Looking for some direction on this issue.

    A while back I implemented some dockers that use a database backend, so when I got alerts for high image use I didn't think anything of it and increased the space.


    I got suspicious when I received another alert this week that I was above 80% and checked the image allocation to find 30 GB!

    Thinking the databases must have been increasing I checked and its small, really small yet I am using too much space?



    What is going on that I'm missing?

  2. 11 hours ago, itimpi said:


    True - certainly something worth trying when I find the time. 


    In practice running in 'headless' mode is not an inconvenience to me so it is not something I have invested any significant effort in trying to resolve as my hardware cannot do hardware pass-through so no real interest in regularly running locally on the server.

    Exactly, running headless reduces load and allows for remote management. For me it works but I'm Intel CPU and NVIDIA GPU, even GPU removed it works so I wonder if its AMD and/or newer Intel as mine is 5+ years old.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Osmo NZL said:

    Yeah that's the tricky part (knowing which drive was parity) as both my parity drive and data drive are exactly the same (both WD white label 12 TB drives that I shucked).

    Not really, parity drives have no file system and should show empty.

    UNRAID does not stripe so files should be viewable individually for each drive.

  4. 18 hours ago, gustomucho said:


    Great guide @mgutt !

    I am in the process of upgrading my hardware and this thread has been really enlightening.


    I was wondering if you had any experience yet with HDR to SDR tonemapping now that the feature has been added to Plex server?

    Are you seeing similar performance with your i3-8100 with tonemapping enabled for 4k content (ie. being able to transcode a few 4k movies with HDR tonemapping)?


    Thanks in advance.

    Plex and tonemapping work without issue for me, I'm using HW transcode as I wanted to shift away from using CPU when its needed for other work.

    I know most QS CPUs are ok with TM but if your HW then only Pascal+ support tonemapping.

  5. On 1/23/2021 at 6:37 PM, Davidbrierley said:

    Just wondering if this is at all possible.


    I have tried reading around but cant find a definitive answer .


    Looking to pass it through to a docker plex so I can hardware encode.


    If its not possible via docker is it possible via VM .


    Otherwise I suppose I will need to buy a dedicated gpu

    You can pick up something like the NVIDIA 1050TI for cheap and then you will have support through Plex.
    Unlike AMD you cannot do unlimited steams but providing you know how to research you can fix that.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Max said:

    ohh i didn't even knew it was set to that but the only time i could remember when i fideled with those settings was probably when i first added cache drive which was way back so i think that couldn't hav affected but i dont know for sure. so i will change it and see if it makes any difference.

    yeah they could but the only dockers that could cause that are qbittorrent and plex. so in my cause they aren't a problem as qbit is set cache only share and i can make sure no one is using plex and even if i shut down all my dockers, my disks still dont spin down on their own.

    Plus i have a disk under unassigned drives which don't use for anything even that disk doesn't spin down.

    Silly question but you haven't set individual drive spin down have you?

    Are they all using default and what is that set to?

    FYI Plex if set to file system monitoring will constantly scan and monitor folders for new content

  7. 9 hours ago, e2486 said:

    6.8.3.  Would moving to 6.9.0 possibly resolve the issues with both the WebGUI and OS GUI?


    EDIT: Well, it didn't fix the OS GUI issue, but I can at least access the WebGUI.  So that's a start.

    If your running WebGUI you would be best to run headless anyway.

    Is everything else functioning with 6.9.0?

  8. 9 hours ago, Genesius10 said:

    i have just changed cache drive.  i unassigned one drive and assigned the new drive.  unraid said something like 'disk will be formatted when array starts'.  so i started the array.

    next i have an error 'unmountable, unsupported partition layout'.  


    i stopped the array, unassigned the new drive.


    Format is greyed out,

    ive tried preclear but i get he error below 'nvme0n1 is part of unRAID array. Aborted'


    What am i doing wrong and how can i get this to work.  


    im only testing unraid at the moment so if i have to start again i can.



    Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Command: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh --erase-clear --cycles 1 --no-prompt /dev/nvme0n1Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Preclear Disk Version: 1.0.20Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Disk /dev/nvme0n1 is a SSD, disabling head stress test.Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: S.M.A.R.T. info type: defaultJan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Disk size: 1000204886016Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Disk blocks: 1953525168Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Blocks (512 bytes): 1953525168Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Block size: 512Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Start sector: 0Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: Disk /dev/nvme0n1 is part of unRAID array. Aborted.Jan 24 23:37:09 preclear_disk_203796803654_10946: error encountered, exiting...

    Warning if you use the clear config you will have no RAID settings and will need to rebuild.

    Check if drive is part of the cache and settings are set correct for the drive i.e. MBR: 4K-aligned

    You can also run a preclear on the drive but would not recommend for an SSD or NVMe

  9. 5 hours ago, Osmo NZL said:

    Hey all.

    Have had my unraid server turned off for a little while and have just turned it back on again and now it cant see the parity or data disks.

    Going back a step I rearranged the sata cables inside the server as I added a fan and prolly didn't put the cables back in the right way around thus the server didn't initially see the cache drive so I clicked on new config (thinking that would help cause even at that time it didn't see the parity or data drive).


    My cache is a 120 gig SSD

    The parity and data disk are WD 12TB drives

    Running Unraid 6.8.3

    Ryzen 1700X CPU

    16 Gigs of DDR4


    unraid-diagnostics-20210125-1635.zip 51.41 kB · 0 downloads

    Using the new config wipes the array but keeps the data as is on the individual drives.

    We can have a another member weigh in but at this point you will be rebuilding the array new and will need to ensure you know which drive/s are parity.

  10. 2 hours ago, Andrea Nizzola said:

    I'm currently using Unraid 6.8.2.

    The system has just been installed and I'm having some issues with videos, not video output but video playing. I'm using the system with a Windows 10 VM as my daily driver and as a plex server. My CPU is an i5 9400f and I have 32GB of ram.

    The problem is that when I try to play videos they lag, for example in the VM on youtube everything at 1080p or over keeps lagging, it doesn't buffer, the audio stops for a few seconds while the video is still playing and then the video stops to let the audio catch up. (I'm sure it isn't my internet connection, all the other devices work fine and download speeds are fine too). All the other applications run perfectly fine, even intensive ones so the pass through is done properly.


    On the plex server everything at 4K doesn't even load, is says that  the computer isn't powerful enough even if it used to work last month before I reinstalled it and it worked as soon as I installed it. Even with the VM off apparently it still isn't powerful enough. The few 4K videos that do work are super laggy even if it isn't transcoding. The funny thing is that the CPU and RAM never get maxed out, the most I've seen the cpu while streaming at 4k was 15% with VM off.


    I just don't understand, there is a serious bottleneck but it's a software problem, not hardware. I've asked on reddit a couple times but nobody was able to help, I really hope someone can help me solve this issue.

    Welcome to the UNRAID forum.

    For me to help you best can you please provide:

    • Your full hardware specs and logs for me and others
    • What did you reinstall?

    Have you reviewed your VM configuration for quick issues like cache drive missed or CPU pinning?

    Can you conduct a general performance test using a docker app that will push the system.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Max said:

    Guys ever since i updated to rc1 my disk are not spinning down, if i spin them down myself then it works and they stay down until i try to access any data off of those drives, so looks spin down and spin up is working its just spin down isn't working on its own. at first i thought maybe it is some bug with rc1 and it will get fixed after an update cause it was working great before but even after updating to rc2 them haven't spin down not even once own their own.

    So if anyone knows why this could be happening or how maybe how can i fix this then please help.

    unraid-diagnostics-20210125-1402.zip 101.7 kB · 0 downloads

    Hi Max, just quickly reviewing your shares and while not all require using cache drive you do have system only on prefer.
    Providing your running Docker this would cause unintended spin up.

    What do you think?

  12. 17 hours ago, markj24 said:

    Wondering if anyone has been able to get QSV working? is there anything that needs to been done other than adding

    --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri as an extra arguement? Plex, Emby and handbrake all seem to work fine with QSV. i've tried both the community plugin Tdarr_Plugin_drdd_standardise_all_in_one with QSV set to true, as well as importing a custom preset that works in handbrake. both give the same errors. here is the section of the log that seem to have the errors:


    Cannot load libnvidia-encode.so.1
    [17:40:30] hb_init: starting libhb thread
    [17:40:30] thread 14c782a10700 started ("libhb")
    HandBrake 1.3.1 (2020080200) - Linux x86_64 - https://handbrake.fr
    4 CPUs detected
    Opening /home/Tdarr/Media/TV Shows/Riverdale/Season 05/Riverdale - S05E01.mkv...
    [17:40:30] CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) J4105 CPU @ 1.50GHz
    [17:40:30] - logical processor count: 4
    [17:40:30] Intel Quick Sync Video support: no
    [17:40:30] hb_scan: path=/home/Tdarr/Media/TV Shows/Riverdale/Season 05/Riverdale - S05E01.mkv, title_index=1
    udfread ERROR: ECMA 167 Volume Recognition failed
    disc.c:323: failed opening UDF image /home/Tdarr/Media/TV Shows/Riverdale/Season 05/Riverdale - S05E01.mkv
    disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV/index.bdmv
    disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv
    bluray.c:2585: nav_get_title_list(/home/Tdarr/Media/TV Shows/Riverdale/Season 05/Riverdale - S05E01.mkv/) failed
    [17:40:31] bd: not a bd - trying as a stream/file instead
    libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 6.0.1
    libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.
    libdvdread:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
    libdvdread:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
    libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
    libdvdnav: vm: failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO
    [17:40:31] dvd: not a dvd - trying as a stream/file instead


    There seems to be two issues here, one is that Intel QuickSync is supported natively with Tdarr builds.

    If your having issues using the commands see examples.

    You must have a compatible CPU and there is debates but I prefer HW over SW transcode.

    The other issue from log is relating to protected DVD content which I wouldn't be able to elaborate on.

  13. 3 hours ago, squirrellydw said:

    So is this the only thing that needs to install or do I also need to install handbrake?  Also any tips on configuration, I want to make sure all my media is in .mkv format and not ISO or anything else.



    As specified by the docker material, Tdarr supports Handbrake and FFMPEG without any extra installing.

    Handbrake is good for beginners but I would suggest jumping into the deepen and go with FFMPEG. Its more powerful and generally with the right configuration outputs in better quality.

    However, as far as I am aware FFMPEG cannot work with ISO files as they are containers to multiple files which are not all video and in most cases are fragmented to make ripping harder for copywrite. You would need to look at Handbrake within Tdarr.


    You could also depending on how many ISO files you have use BDinfo which will allow the identification of the main stream which can be placed into a watched folder by Tdarr for FFMPEG processing.

  14. On 1/9/2021 at 1:48 PM, ados said:

    Hey guys, got a real specific/odd request could use some assistance with.

    I'm downloading (legally) podcasts from a distributer that allows so as long as its for personal use to your own storage.

    Now the file is video/audio but I want to use Tdarr to convert it to audio only via an extraction or other method.

    Seems Tdarr is not designed to do this with all plugins and manual methods requiring video codec information at some point or even AC3 as a saving extension is not allowed, would this be impossible?

    I wrote many of my own plugins which resolved this requirement.

  15. Hey guys, got a real specific/odd request could use some assistance with.

    I'm downloading (legally) podcasts from a distributer that allows so as long as its for personal use to your own storage.

    Now the file is video/audio but I want to use Tdarr to convert it to audio only via an extraction or other method.

    Seems Tdarr is not designed to do this with all plugins and manual methods requiring video codec information at some point or even AC3 as a saving extension is not allowed, would this be impossible?

  16. 48 minutes ago, Bokeh said:

    My install also stopped being able to download yesterday morning - saw the replies on here (and that it was no longer maintained) so switched to haugene's Transmission_VPN docker instead.


    In case it helps others; I was on Unraid 6.8.3, using PIA with everything running perfectly until that point. My uneducated guess is the triggered for failure was restarting the docker the night before, at which point I guess it never reconnected to PIA.

    PIA is not compatible with many dockers at the moment due to large changes in their server infrastructure. The new nextgen servers are not working with port forwarding outside of their specific app. Their new servers are also causing issues with connections when port forwarding is not in place, as these dockers use leak tables when the connection is not established in a desired way the app refuses to function.

  17. On 11/23/2020 at 1:16 AM, spikey1973 said:



    Could this be the cause of my issue too? although I tried to install 1.x versions too?


    in the plugins folder a zip-folder named: [object FileList]

    with in this folder two other folders: EGG-INFO and yarss2..


    from this it would seem that the installation worked.. never the less it doesn't work.

    now i just also saw the following:
    YaRSS2: An RSS plugin configurable through the GUI: Support webgui :No, deluge 2.x support: Yes

    this confuses me.. as delugevpn is 2.0.4dev38 and i believe webui (also/only) so is this supported or not?


    would really appeciate a though on this, can it work with delugevpn or wont it?


    It will take a few minutes to confirm, set the repository to only 1X version and test your plugins. I was using a low version for the same reasons.

  18. PIA has been a solid 100% no complaint service but these Next Gen servers have really killed the functionality to the point its barely useable.

    It would be fine if they didn't jump the gun and close their old servers forcing the new near 0 support for Linux platform.

    Seems their focus is on Windows/Mac/Mobile and don't think Linux is worth the support particularly with OpenVPN files.

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