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Everything posted by Karatekid

  1. This is my docker compose file nginx-proxy-manager_all: container_name: Proxy-Manager-All image: jlesage/nginx-proxy-manager ports: - "8181:8181" - "8080:8080" - "4443:4443" environment: - X_FRAME_OPTIONS=sameorigin - TZ=Europe/Berlin - USER_ID=99 - GROUP_ID=100 volumes: - /mnt/user/XXX/nginx-proxy-manager:/config networks: internal: ipv4_address: 172.X.X.7 br0: ipv4_address: 192.X.X.6 restart: always
  2. I deleted the docker image but this also has no effect.
  3. Hi everybody, I just updated to 6.8.0 and have now the problem that docker is really slow and also if i create docker containers with docker-compose it is not working as smooth as before. It takes much more time or is not working at all. I get following error messages: ERROR: for Krusader UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=70) ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information. If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60). there is a endless loop of: compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set() And compose.parallel.parallel_execute_iter: Failed: <Container: Krusader (d02733)> compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set() Has anybody the same problem and a solution for this problem?
  4. Has someone find a solution for these nextcloud error? "The "X-Frame-Options" HTTP header is not set to "SAMEORIGIN". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." I found nothing which is working. I added the env variable but this was not fixing my problem. Hopefully someone has managed it
  5. Is there a possibility to reset the user and password.
  6. Ahhh And currently there is no port for a normal static side I only have 10 subdomains this is why i wanted to use subfolders. But I see that this highly complicated. Yes correct you are fully right. For that there are complex rules to forward it which I'm right now not fully understood. But you need to pass every main folder he want to access to the proxy.
  7. Tried to overwrite the Congratulations Page. Insert a index.html and a folder called web_images. In the HTML i call the prictures with <img src="web_images/icon.png"> Maybe the call in the index html is wrong or better I need to give the proxy the folder. Also when I call directly the images are not found. yes. try to learn it buts really complicated if you do it the first one. I think my problem is, that all the folders which the site (unraid, static,...) refere to are not found.
  8. Thank you for your super support. I managed to get portainer running. But only when I''m opening domain.de/portainer/ and not with domain.de/portainer Problems are currently - A static site as welcome site under domain.de --> background pictures laying a folder under it and will not be shown - Unraid under domain.de/unraid --> missing js --> Only working when domain.de refers to - Proxy Manager under domain.de/proxy --> Nothing will be shown Idea was domain.de --> Direct to proxy manager to give out a static page domain.de/unraid --> domain.de/proxy -->
  9. ok than an example how it should work but it doesn't or I'm understanding something wrong. I want to have domain.de --> static page domain.de/portainer --> portainer webui access --> default_www/startpage/nginx_proxy_manager --> Portainer Domain name: domain.de sheme: http IP: Port: 81 Custom Location location: /portainer sheme: http IP: Port: 9000
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