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Everything posted by tjustice86

  1. I am trying to setup photoprism with MariaDB. I have tried a few different tutorials and guides and always get this error: level=fatal msg="commands out of sync. Did you run multiple statements at once?" Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Here are my volume settings.
  3. How do I edit the settings file? I don't see any files under my meshcentral-data folder unless I check from within the container itself. Inside the container I don't have nano or vi?
  4. I got a new unraid server and I would like to use rsync to copy all of my data over from the old. I for the life of me can't seem to get rsync working. Keeps saying connection refused.
  5. How are you passing through your audio? I would like to use HDMI passthrough but can't seem to get it to work with my VM. The on board audio controller works but I would like to watch movies and even game at at least 5.1. Any ideas or pointers? MOBO: MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700x GPU: XFX AMD Radeon rx 580 I will have to check my cstates and memory speed when I get home.
  6. I am looking at replacing my old, outdated, barely limping along NAS. I am leaning towards using Unraid over FreeNAS just for the simple fact of being able to add drives as I please. I will probably run Plex, house some smb/cifs shares, and possibly store VMDKs for my vmware lab on it. My budget is around $500-600 (diskless). Here is what I have put together for a possible build, let me know how bad I screwed up. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/WWKhfH
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