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Posts posted by caplam

  1. when you loose access to gui the simplest is to reboot with gui so you can make your network settings adjustments.

    I would begin with a single interface to test network speed.

    I also have 2x10Gbe interface on my main server. For now only using one. 

    I have a 10Gbe interface on my backup server and a chinese 10G switch.

    with iperf i tried from or to main server and speed is around 9,6G.

    For now i didn't tried with bonding as my primary intention was to dedicate 1 10G interface to backup to remote server.

  2. I've done something similar.

    First add the 2nd parity drive and let the system build the parity2.

    Then replace a 4tb drive with a 14tb. You could replace 2 4tb at the same time since you have now 2 parity drives but i find it more secure to replace a single disk at once.

    When your 2 14 tb drives are reconstructed. You have to move data from the 4tb to a 14tb drive and follow the procedure documented in storage management (clearme script).

    I've done it 2 times with success and very little downtime. Don't forget to setup your shares accordingly (disks included or excluded)

    Depending on the number of ports usable on your computer you could do it differently but i think it's the safest way to go. It's quite long but there is very little downtime (only the time to stop and start array) each time you have to change disk assignment and your data remain protected. Also don't hesitate to see the doc of storage management it's very helpful (https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/storage-management/)


  3. You have to stop docker engine in settings/docker/enable docker

    If you have other containers you will have to redownload them.

    You can go to the doc which is really helpful for understanding the different ways to configure docker.

  4. Hello,


    I have 2 unraid licenses: 1 pro and 1 plus.

    The pro is attached to my main server (8 devices attached) and the plus to my backup server (11 devices attached).

    On my main server i use big drives (16TB) and on my backup server i have a mix of 4 and 6TB drives. I can only add 1 drive to backup server.

    Can i switch licenses between servers ? 

  5. Imho in unraid, docker data you want to back up need to be bind mounted to a host directory.

    Aio doesn't support modification of volumes except for data and backup directories.

    If you use a docker.img file it's mounted to a loop device when docker engine is started.

    In theory after installing aio you could try to start docker engine with all containers stopped and browse volumes inside.

    By default aio create named volumes so they could more easily identified. You could install portainer for locating these volumes. But i seriously doubt it's possible to restore your data in that way. 


  6. Do you have a backup and associated password ?

    If so don't bother with volumes other than the one i mentionned. 

    Setup mastercontainer, restore the backup and you are done. See here the backup part. 

    The whole point of aio is to build a whole instance of nextcloud without dealing with interaction between containers.

    Before aio i was using separated containers. I always failed to add fulltextsearch or redis and each update was a nightmare (50% of time nextcloud stayed in maintenance mode or there was an update error). Not to mention multiple errors as "/.well-known/caldav" i was never able to solve.

    You certainly loose control over certains things but with aio you spend considerably less time making it work.

  7. I don't really understand your question.

    If you followed the guide for setting up aio your data are on a share outside of docker file.

    probably /mnt/user/aio/data

    The best way would probably be to restore your borg backup. 

    I had to restore once. After setting up the mastercontainer you restore the backup. I don't think you can reinstall all dockers with your data and databses without using borg.


    On 3/8/2023 at 9:48 AM, ytddewqf said:

    Hello all,


    I was hoping for some suggestions if I may.


    I have recently moved to an ISP which deploys CGNAT, as such, my previous setup of running the DUCKDNS docker so that I have remote access to my server no longer works.


    I started setting up Cloudflared (even bought a domain) then discovered that you can not stream video. As remote access to my Emby server is the main reason for requiring this access, I abandoned this option.


    I tried Tailscale, which was easy enough to setup, but found my video playback was buffering. Furthermore, it will be difficult to setup the Tailscale application on all devices that need to access my server.


    If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

    I had the same problem. You don't need a static ip but a public ip. 

    My isp charge 30€/month for static ip but 3€ for public ip.

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  9. thanks. It looks like it's the right diag. 

    Changed the port to the ahci controller for theses 2 disks (they were the only ones on the scu controller).

    No issue at booting and currently running diskspeed benchmark. 

    Never had a glitch in years with the scu controller. Luckily i don't need these 4 ports. 

    What drove you to scu in diags ?

    I made the same deduction but only when i saw that the 2 drives were the only one attached to the scu.

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