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Carlos Talbot

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Report Comments posted by Carlos Talbot

  1. 18 minutes ago, trurl said:

    In case you still need something to fill in your understanding


    Array = disks in the parity array

    /mnt/user/subfolder = a user share named subfolder


    User shares always include cache. Unless the share is set cache-no then all new writes go to cache.

    Got it. I'm in the process of switching from 2 drives in the cache pool to 1 and keeping it at BTRFS. I'm just surprised this issue is still ongoing as it's very easy to reproduce.

  2. 21 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

    That doesn't really answer my question, is that share set to use cache?

    Sorry, yes, it's set to Yes for cache.


    This got me thinking. I tried the same copy command to a another share that is not using cache. Sure enough the load held steady at 5 and never got higher (this also includes a plex transcode in the background). Containers were accessible without issue.


    So it does appear to be the cache that is affecting this.




    • Thanks 1
  3. I recently upgraded to rc7 thinking this problem was behind me. It still persists. It's very easy to reproduce. I copy several GB of files from an unassigned disks to a /mnt/user path. After the memory buffer fills and writes are flushed to disk I start seeing the IO wait shoot up to 45, disrupting all running dockers. It takes at least 5 minutes for the load to subside and system return to normal.


    I have a cache pool setup with 2 SSDs (no Samsung drives at this point).


    Is BRTFS the culprit?


    I'll have to go back to rc5 as the lack of nvidia drivers is killing my performance as well.



  4. I do see a negative impact. I experience two scenarios, the first is trying to shutdown a VM and it hangs. During the shutdown I see continuous stale NFS messages in the tcpdump between the vSphere host and Unraid. I eventually have to power off the VM forcibly.


    The second issue is where all the VMs are shutdown. I can see this from the vCenter gui. I still have access to vCenter as it's the only VM not using an NFS datastore from Unraid.


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