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Posts posted by JBanner

  1. I'm having the same issue with the password having not been set previously, and now even though i can see in the log what the password is, it will not accept it.


    So I'd like to roll back, but i can't find how to do it in a lcear way... i have looked in "Previous Apps" and that deosn't help, and other post I have seen about rolling back dockers refer to opening the Dockers hub and changing tags, but I can't find this.


    Can someone explain simply how to rollback qbittorrent to the previous version where I can set a password?


  2. Having a problem with Plex "Freezing" overnight. It even slows down all of my other dockers, and it slows down getting into the Dockers Tab - 40-50 seconds to open the tab.


    If i Stop the Plex Docker, it waits for awhile and then a message saying "Execution Error" comes up. But If I then restart plex it runs again fine until something like 7:00 am the next day.


    I looked inthe Logs and there is quite a lot like this

    "2023-07-02 07:42:36,336 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
    No data written!

    2023-07-02 07:42:40,376 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
    No data written!

    2023-07-02 07:42:41,020 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
    The '--scan' operation is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Plex Media Server.

    2023-07-02 07:42:46,152 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
    No data written!

    2023-07-02 07:42:50,929 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:"




    "2023-07-03 06:08:55,609 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
    No data written!

    2023-07-03 07:12:00,133 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.

    2023-07-03 07:46:20,887 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stdout output:
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.
    Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry "



    While Its frozen I can't get into the web gui, or connect with plex app, and it's been happening since i upgraded to unraid 6.12


    Any ideas?

  3. I have recently updated to the latest version or unraid (Version xxxxx)


    When I start the server up everything is fine. my Dockers that are set to autostart all start up and all is well.


    However overnight, all the dockers stop responding, and the Dockers tab is very slow to respond when I click on it, but it does eventually open. I can then "Stop All Dockers" and restart the dockers i need open. - again this runs fine until the next morning when they are all frozen again.


    I run 4 dockers and they all show as up to date.


    Any ideas? (Diagnostics attached)


  4. Really Sorry, but at wits end....


    I have had a look at quite a few topics here but cant find my problem.


    I am getting a message "Database Corrupted" from the Plex clients. Everything seems to be working but i'd like to try and fix this before it gest worse.


    I have tried to follow spaceInvaders video but I must be doing something wrong, I've also tried to follow some instructions on Reddit but again I get nowhere....


    Sorry to be such a noob, but can someone point me in the right dirrection please.

  5. On 7/18/2020 at 7:11 PM, twistedsanity said:



    I think I may have solved the issue. I found that 'Automatic Torrent Management' was not on/ticked for every new torrent. If I start a torrent then manually tick this it looks to get moved correctly.

    Unfortunately it looks like the options to configure this are not available in the WebGUI only the full desktop client, but...



    I opened the qBittorrent.conf in notepad and adjusted the following section to look like this (I only had to modify the last line on mine, false to true)



    Hopefully this will work for you too.

    I've just tried this but still no luck....


  6. On 4/18/2020 at 2:18 PM, JBanner said:

    Hi All, I'm having a new problem for the last month or so.

    Nothing on my setup changed, I'm running latest versions of everything.


    Qbittorrent all of a sudden started to move completed torrents into my "Auto" folder i.e. the folder that is bein autowatched for new torrents.


    Normally the download is moved when completed to a folder called "completed" and the torrent is moved to "finished torrents"


    The relevant paths are still assigned correctly within settings, and if i manually "set download location" to the "completed" directory by right clicking the torrent it moves to the correct place on completion.



    I'm still having this problem, anybody have any ideas?

  7. Hi All, I'm having a new problem for the last month or so.

    Nothing on my setup changed, I'm running latest versions of everything.


    Qbittorrent all of a sudden started to move completed torrents into my "Auto" folder i.e. the folder that is bein autowatched for new torrents.


    Normally the download is moved when completed to a folder called "completed" and the torrent is moved to "finished torrents"


    The relevant paths are still assigned correctly within settings, and if i manually "set download location" to the "completed" directory by right clicking the torrent it moves to the correct place on completion.



  8. HI All,

    Having a couple of issues with my plex movies.


    Firstly, TV shows work fine, if I add a new show/file it comes up and downloads the artwork etc no problem.


    However If I add a new movie, it does not download any meta information artwork etc.


    Some movies come up with an error when I try to play them. (Mostly movies that have been on the server for some time.)


    However... If I copy a movie off and delete it from the server, and then put it back on, it plays fine, but of course it then has lost the metadata...


    Any ideas?


    <EDIT> I made a new library and pointed it at the same folder as movies.... the movies all play but still have no artwork in the new library... so no need to copy off and back on again...

  9. Array is all working properly.


    Right, onto replacing the cache drive. I'm following the guide you linked for replacing a single drive when you do not have a spare 


    I've turned off dockers and vm's and set appdata, domains and system to "Yes" from "prefer" and run the mover.

    However in the cache there is still a folder "System" containing "Docker" and "Libvert" folders.


    when I rerun mover it leaves them there.


    In that guide it says the cache drive should be empty.... how do I get it to move the last few files across to the array so I can replace the cache drive?


  10. Thanks so much for replying.


    OK Array is started this time with the docker and vm's turned off.


    I'm not sure the best way to copy some data off the cache though, Do I just use MC to copy some large files back to their correct locations? eg from cache drive /mnt/cache/Media/TV Shows to the equivalent place on the array?


    Or is there a better way?




  11. Hi,


    Sorry but I'm quite inexperienced at unraid, and I'm in a bit of a mess...


    I was having issues with space on my cache SSD drive.


    So I started messing with the shares that were using the cache, and turned off the cache on some of the shares, Then I got an alert from I think fix common problems saying there were files on the cache that were not copied onto the array. So Not remembering which ones were on or not before,  I turned everything onto "Prefer".


    Next, the cache drive TOTALLY filled up and mover was stuck, in the log it was constantly saying something like "Cache Drive Full"


    I could not stop mover from running (I tried "killall rsync" and nothing, I tried "pkill mover" and nothing) So I did a restart from the restart button in the GUI.


    Unraid booted up and mover was no longer running, so I tried turn the cache off on all the user shares, leaving it only on the system ones that I had not created. But the cache drivve was still full and the system was not running correctly (No VM's no Dockers)


    I went back into the shares to try and re set teh cache drive, but unraid crashed, and now wont boot.... showing the following screen..




  12. Hi, I've used Unbalance a few times successfully, but now when I try to open the webUI, I get the usual certificate alert, but it still refuses to open the WebUI....


    I get chrome-error://chromewebdata/#


    I've uninstalled and reinstalled and no change, any ideas?

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