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Everything posted by IcicleTrepan

  1. That has done the trick. so it seems like SSL was the issue, but how do I fix it?
  2. unfortunately I can't access the webgui with https. http also appears to be redirecting to https. maybe there is a way to change that setting from console?
  3. I checked the cables, they seem fine. Some additional information. I've tried rebooting the server and the router with no change. I'm able to watch movies on Plex, even outside of my network and I can access all of my docker containers' web guis just not the one for unraid. Additionally, I can ping both NIC IP addresses and get replies, so the server appears to be there. I'm not really sure why I can access everything else but just not the unraid web gui. I also have mapped network drives on the same server and I can access those no problem.
  4. A couple of days ago my web gui simply stopped loading. The server has been rock solid for years and I am not exactly sure what happened as I wasn't doing anything with it at the time. All of the dockers were still up and I can access the command line, I just couldn't access the web gui. I get the following error in Chrome but it doesn't work in any other web browser either: This site can’t be reached The webpage might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR So I tried rebooting the machine and the dockers etc all came back but the web gui is still MIA. attached is my diagnostic log. Thanks in advance! asgard-diagnostics-20210821-0002.zip
  5. Here you go. I marked all of the removed sections with '-- DELETED --' AirVPN_Netherlands_UDP-443-copyforsharing.ovpn
  6. I am having the same problem and I also use AirVPN. This was working fine for me yesterday. I can't say for certain as I wasn't paying close attention, however it's possible this may be related to the latest binhex-delugevpn update that I applied this morning.
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