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Posts posted by Fefepaille

  1. (Solved)




    First of all, thank you for your work, containers, and videos. You are pimping my Unraid Server!


    I just installed shinobipro, successfully connected my camera, and it records when shinobi detects motion.

    I am trying to get notifications on email / discord, but something's wrong.


    I can receive the "no-motion" emails, so the config seems to be ok, but when something is detected, shinobi records this, without sending me an email. 


    Is there a trick ?


    Thanks again.


    EDIT : I did it ! Reinstalling the whole container solved my issue. 

    Maybe the region were too small for the detection. 

  2. On 2/14/2021 at 7:14 PM, DirtyLew said:

    I can't reach the webui.

    I have docker set to pass 6595 to the container



    Hi, I had the same issue and I solved it by :

    - removing the deemix folder in appdata

    - editing container and updating the ARL

    Let few minutes to Deemix to be reinstalled, and I hope it will work again for you !

    • Like 1
  3. Well, tonight my Unraid has shutdown again.

    In the syslog, I don't see anything weird.


    Unclean shutdowns has come with an Unraid upgrade from 6.5 to 6.7.2. 

    Is it possible ? Should I rollback this upgrade ? Anything special to do with this potential rollback ?



  4. Thanks for your reply


    Hi, It's a card bought on ebay. It was already in IT mode.

    In my syslog, I can see : LSISAS2308: FWVersion(, ChipRevision(0x05), BiosVersion(

    So I need to upgrade FW to P20.00.07.00 ? And delete the bios ?


    How can I achieve this ?

    The card is a lsi 9208. On broadcom website [ link ], I need to DL this one [ 9207-8i_Package_P20_IR_IT_Firmware_BIOS_for_MSDOS_Windows ] ?

  5. Hi,

    I just have one LSI card and after some tests :

    - When I boot and doing nothing : It doesn't boot from USB

    - When I press Ctrl + C on the LSI card boot screen : It says that it load the LSI config menu, but it doesn't and it boot from USB !


    So I need to Ctrl + C to start my Unraid !


    I also have updated Unraid to 6.7.2 and I have some random Unclean Shutdowns. (It happens even if all containers are down)


    Any Idea ?


    Thanks a lot



    unraid-diagnostics-20190713-0715.zip syslog

  6. Or, I can do following steps :

    - remove failing disks from array, and remove parity disk (which don't work now.) => (1) I'm not sure how to do this. Just putting them "unassigned", then start the array ? 

    - Add the current parity disk like a new free disk, then copy a failed disk into it. => (2) using Unassigned Devices plugin ? Or putting the drive to copy like a Cache drive ? I don't know which works.

    - Add this failed disk to array, formatting it.

    - Copy the second failing disk into the array.

    - Use this second failed disk like the new parity disk.


    It sounds good ? [I know it's a bit risky because I won't have parity during operation, but I'm stuck.]


    Another question => (3) : cache drive is seen like "New Device". It contains some important data. Will it be reset if I start the array like that ?


    Best Regards,



  7. 13 hours ago, itimpi said:

    It is worth pointing out that each Unraid array disk is set up as a standard Linux file system that can be read by any other Linux system.

    Yes, I should put the 2 failing drives on another computer and try to make them readable again. 

    Then Could I re-add these drives on the array, keeping data on them ?


    Morning Edit : I'm at work, the "failing" drives are readable on ubuntu. Is there a way to re-add them on the array, then rebuild parity drive from actual data ?

    Tools => New Config ? (I'm not sure and a bit affraid)


    Thanks a lot.

  8. Hi, thanks for your response.


    Weird, I can't access to the LSI setting card. (Ctrl+C when LSI screen appears doen't work.) I'll try tomorrow with a ps/2 keyboard.

    For my current Unraid state, do you know what can I do to retreive my data ? I currently can't start the array.


    edit: Do you think making an unraid new config is a good idea ?



  9. Hello,


    I seriously need some help.

    I had some issues with two 4-Sata PCI controller. (One disk was on faillure, then recovered with a miracle xfs_repair).

    So, I bought a LSI 8-Slot card to replace them.


    First problem, le LSI card count as a disk. And I reached 12 Drives + LSI card => My Motherboard won't boot on USB with 13 Drive. (Don't ask me why.)

    I have read somewhere that I could use a trick with the hotswap feature. I can boot without one drive, then plug it.

    Unfortunately, when I booted, one drive was emulated, and another one missing.

    I tried minor things. (Hope no mistakes).


    Now, I have all my drive OK exept 2 (disk 5 + cache) which is seen as "New Device". I think I can recover lot of data with utils.

    And another one which is emulated (disk 9) (But the parity is broken, so... I don't know what to say.)


    I think disk data are 99% okay (sysfile are certainly broken). But I don't know if I can explore them, because I cannot start the array.


    What can I do to recover the most of data ?


    Thank you so much.





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