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Everything posted by Fefepaille

  1. Ok. Recovery with XFS seems to be pretty good, doin' it. Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks again.
  2. Well, UFS works pretty well. I got like.... 40GB of soup. (maybe old removed files) The rest (about 7TB) are ok, with a correct structure. I'll just "format" the drive after the backup, and the show must go on ! But I've got a last question : is the xfs file system strong enough ? Theses last 24h were painfull af, don't wan't to do this again ! Thank you again.
  3. Agreed, With the array and parity on, some of my files vanished. Do you have any tips with UFS Explorer ? => Doing a recovery. Praying for a pretty good result. Thanks again.
  4. Thanks for your quick answer ! Ok I'm trying it. If no good result, the parity can't help me ? Zeroing the disk and rebuilt it will result a data loss ? I never had very good results with recovery tools...
  5. Hi, There is an "Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system" disk in my array. (It's the disk 8, the second will be replaced tomorrow). It happened after a crash. Partitions are xfs. I tried the check_xfs command in maintenance mode, with or without the -L argument, but no way. I'm pretty scared, If someone have an idea... Should I zero the disk and rebuild it with the parity ? Thanks a lot. Here's the diag and the result of xfs_repair. _____________________________________________________ TLTR : xfs_repair didn't help me. Even the beta 7.0. Using UFS Explorer in another setup was the solution. (The only "trick" to do is to select the right system file format, xfs) Investigation still ongoing: percentage of dataloss. Pretty low I guess. xfs log.txt unraid-diagnostics-20240726-1819.zip
  6. (Solved) Hello, First of all, thank you for your work, containers, and videos. You are pimping my Unraid Server! I just installed shinobipro, successfully connected my camera, and it records when shinobi detects motion. I am trying to get notifications on email / discord, but something's wrong. I can receive the "no-motion" emails, so the config seems to be ok, but when something is detected, shinobi records this, without sending me an email. Is there a trick ? Thanks again. EDIT : I did it ! Reinstalling the whole container solved my issue. Maybe the region were too small for the detection.
  7. Hi, I had the same issue and I solved it by : - removing the deemix folder in appdata - editing container and updating the ARL Let few minutes to Deemix to be reinstalled, and I hope it will work again for you !
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