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Posts posted by bytchslappa

  1. So i noticed this in my logs after the script that executes "nvidia-smi -pm 1" to enable Persistence mode to force the P8 power state.


    "kernel: NVRM: Persistence mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use nvidia-persistenced instead." 


    So looked into it, so instead of using the nvidia-smi command to perform the job - now use the command nvidia-persistenced.


    Docs for it can be found here: https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/396.51/README/nvidia-persistenced.html


    Using just the nvidia-persistenced command by itself with no argument should be enough for most setups.

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  2. 23 hours ago, Big Dan T said:

    Hi all,


    this is a real problem in plex for using an NVIDIA card for encoding (decoding work fine) is there anyway to update the drivers to 450.66 ? ???


    im Currently on 440.59


    thanks all!



    Go Beta 6.9 (have personally been using for beta 29 and beta 30 and its been stable for MY usage)

    or not run the unraid nvidia build and use this to build a kernel with the current drivers and a bunch of other stuff if you require it.. 


    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, PsiPlexServ said:

    1050 ti

    The drivers in 6.8.3 will work fine with the 1050ti (i use one myself) - the drivers in 6.9.0 beta30 are better for current builds of Plex (if that is the use case)
    from terminal run lspci -k this will show the devices found - for example a 1050ti might come up like this in the list:

    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] (rev a1)
            Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti]
            Kernel driver in use: nvidia
            Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia

    If its not showing - either the card itself could be busted - the card might need a monitor or dummy hdmi installed - or the other I have seen that its not actually a 1050ti - but some wish/aliexpress/dodgy ebay special thats not actually a 1050ti :P oh and make sure you are not booting into GUI mode either :)

  4. On 5/14/2020 at 2:58 PM, Janus said:

    Sorry to bother you again. But I just realized that UnRAID 6.8.3 Nvidia driver (440.59) does not support Quadro 4000. The latest version of Nvidia supporting Quadro 4000 appears to be 340.108.


    For that, I have 2 question:

    As far as I understand, when you install a "Nvidia Unraid Builds", you have a specific version of Nvidia driver compiled into it. Right ? Is it possible to have a chart of the Nvidia driver version compiled by each "Nvidia Unraid Builds". To find the version with 340.108 ?

    If my first assumption is correct, I imagine the version of UnRAID I will have to use will be an old one ... In this case, may I install/compile my own version for the Nvidia driver into the latest version of UnRAID ? and, it will be on UnRAID directly or in my PLEX docker ?


    I didn't find answer to my question by searching the Forum (but i have no talent to search on a forum) or Google.


    Thank you very much again, and again.

    Check the nvidia support site https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-decode-gpu-support-matrix

    Chances are - the card is quite old - and does not provide very good video encoding and decoding support.

  5. 7 hours ago, yendi said:

    Well When I have a intensive task like 150mb/s write, or a parity check, my dockers are not responding. I found that by isolating core I do not have this issue (i7-7700). I was thinking that is I did not pin dockers to core, they would use full CPU...

    If your are running 6.7.x you could be hitting an issue a number of us have experienced.  When writing to the array, performance of docker, VMs, other writes goes down to the point they stop responding.. 

    Rolling back to 6.6.7 gets everything working again..

  6. I'm trying 6.6.7 and there are no issues like the above.. I couldn't even install or update a docker image - let alone goto the docker page in the GUI while copying data via SMB or the mover running... 6.6.7 i can happily do that - and have plex running as it should.  So whats broken in 6.7.x... 

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  7. Any data access to the array causes all docker and VM activity to become unresponsive.  Copying a file via SMB or moving data from cache manually causes docker to become unresponsive - this isn't just during mover activities.  Lets say copying a file to the array via SMB to a share that is not part of the cache pool.  copying a single file is causing the docker and/or vm's to become unresponsive - this might happen after maybe 500mb into the file. 


    I've tried different parity drives(SATA and SAS drives), different controllers(SAS and SATA), different setups of the SATA controller, different network cards.

  8. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Have you tried that yet?

    No - I guess the main issue I am having - and when the movers runs - copying a file to the array via SMB will bring all dockers to a halt - not just the mover.. even with the docker file running on the cache drive...this is writing directly to the array and not to the cache drive. 


  9. I am testing unraid as a replacement for my windows server for plex and all the bits that go with it. Having a similair issue where the mover will kill plex - or all docker content - will try the plugin mentioned here to reduce the priority - but also copying data to a share also brings docker containers to a standstill.  Ive tried multiple configs with SSD caches etc, locking the appdata to SSD etc - and no luck in improving performance.  

    The current windows server runs a mix of hardware raid for some disks - and flexraid for the rest - flexraid is now pretty much dead as for upgrades and support - but certainly doesn't suffer from what I am seeing here - neither did freenas on the same hardware.

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