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Posts posted by Ernie11

  1. On 7/20/2021 at 2:17 PM, ghost82 said:

    You need to be patient...there are traces in the code of the 6700xt..sooner or later it will be added, I'm quite sure.


    I know I know I have to be patient. It’s just that my Mac Pro died and I’m Macless right now. Will keep my hopes up and checking the betas. Thanks 

  2. On 6/30/2021 at 7:58 AM, ghost82 said:

    I'm afraid, still not supported, even in beta 4 11.5, nor in beta 2 monterey 12.0.

    Hello ghost,


    Considering that there’s still no 6700 xt driver is it possible to fool the os and make it think it’s a different gpu, one that is supported? If this is possible please share the method and also it it can harm my gpu. Thanks. 

  3. 19 hours ago, ghost82 said:


    You need to enroll the developer beta apple program.


    sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil enroll DeveloperSeed


    Now if you start system preferences and check for updates you will see on the left that you are enrolled for beta.


    To unenroll from developer:

    sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil unenroll



    Hello Ghost,


    Ok it downloaded and installed with no problems but still no dice. I guess I will have to wait more to see if it will be supported.

    I do want to mention that yesterday when I was still on Catalina there was once that it booted on the Displayport. This was once out of like 5 Catalinas I created but I deleted it since it got stuck after I changed it back to VNC. Was this just a fluke or is there something there?


    Edit: Also want to mention that when I turn off the VM I still see the apple logo and progress bar on the screen.





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  4. 15 minutes ago, ghost82 said:


    You need to enroll the developer beta apple program.


    sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil enroll DeveloperSeed


    Now if you start system preferences and check for updates you will see on the left that you are enrolled for beta.


    To unenroll from developer:

    sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil unenroll



    Ok its downloading and installing. I will have to leave it here for today since its 2am. Tomorrow I will keep going after work and report back. Thanks for the help!

  5. 8 minutes ago, ghost82 said:


    amd 6xxx drivers are available only in big sur 11.4 (starting from beta 1), which is still a beta now (currently at beta 2).

    Moreover, not sure about the 6700 (xt), changelog reports only 6800, 6800xt and 6900xt.



    The others are not errors, first 3 raws mean that you are using qemu with custom args, last ones mean that in your qemu custom args you are injecting +pcid which is not supported by your cpu, simply remove +pcid from your qemu args in the xml.



    How can I download the beta 2 to try?

  6. Hello,


    Im having issues with the VM loading. I have done the following steps one by one and rebooting between each one to see what is causing my booting issue.


    Downloaded and installed Catalina - Booted Fine.

    Changed cores from 2 to 3 (changed "no" to "yes" on the help script) - Booted Fine.

    Change ram from 4 to 10 - Booted Fine.

    Added a USB mouse - Booted Fine.

    Added a USB keyboard - Booted Fine.

    Added a USB headset - Booted Fine.

    Upgraded to Big Sur - Booted Fine.


    This is where the problems starts.

    Added GPU pass-through. Its an RX 6700 XT. I get the below extra lines in the logs and it boots to only half the progress bar. I do get the output on my displayport monitor but like I mentioned, its stops half way through the progress bar. Also something I notice is that when I force stop the VM I still see the output on the monitor, the apple logo and the progress bar.


    Anyone know how to fix this so I can pass-though my 6700 XT? Thanks.


    2021-05-10 06:08:27.804+0000: Domain id=20 is tainted: high-privileges
    2021-05-10 06:08:27.804+0000: Domain id=20 is tainted: custom-argv
    2021-05-10 06:08:27.804+0000: Domain id=20 is tainted: host-cpu
    char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial0)
    2021-05-10T06:08:27.874054Z qemu-system-x86_64: warning: host doesn't support requested feature: CPUID.01H:ECX.pcid [bit 17]
    2021-05-10T06:08:27.875686Z qemu-system-x86_64: warning: host doesn't support requested feature: CPUID.01H:ECX.pcid [bit 17]
    2021-05-10T06:08:27.877103Z qemu-system-x86_64: warning: host doesn't support requested feature: CPUID.01H:ECX.pcid [bit 17]

  7. Hello Everyone,


    I'm trying to shrink a Linux vdisk but im getting a corrupted vdisk at the end. I have followed Spaceinvader Ones video except that I used GParted for the first part. I restored from my backup and currently have a vdisk with 70gb of unallocated space created using GParted again but in the VM GUI I still see 100gb of 100gb. The VM is actually only using 17gb and its partition is of 30gb. I checked "Disks" while in the VM and the unallocated partition is there. At this point if I use the terminal command Spaceinvader One mentions in his video I get the corrupted vdisk again. Any ideas as to how to fix this or another method to accomplish this? I'm trying to get my vms on an ssd but I have to shrink them all so they fit. Thanks.



  8. Hello Everyone,


    Im cleaning up my vdisks and I want to shrink a linux vdisk I have of 100GB. I want to make it 30GB since im only using 15GB right now and I want to pass it to the cache drive. I have heard I can use GParted to do this but im not sure how to go about doing it. Does someone have a guide for shrinking on a linux system? I have only found for windows.

    I also read I have to boot GParted on a live USB but im unsure how to do that on a VM.



  9. 9 hours ago, Alexander said:

    On a terminal (not using VM and passthrough). Don't use splashtop. Use NoMachine and the sound will work, no need to use <sound model> part then I think. https://www.nomachine.com/


    On a VM passthrough. Easiest solution is to get a USB Audio device. For example one of these. https://focusrite.com/en/scarlett

    With the above you need to passthrough your USB port(s) otherwise a click/abrupt change happens like every 2 seconds. I guess this is because it shares the port access with unraid when not passthrough. This is hard to hear but I noticed it after long testing.

    To avoid the almost unnoticeable "click" You will need to have at least 1 port non-passthrough for your unraid flash and that has to be in another IOMMU group than the passed through VM ones. So you might have to buy an extra USB PCIE card if your motherboard doesn't have USB in at least 2 different IOMMU groups (means usually uses at least 2 USB controllers chips on motherboard). Obviously such motherboards are not among the most common ones and are not the cheapest.


    If you have a graphics card you could try to passthrough to its sound part. I only have my Intel CPU graphics that do not have sound, so I use external USB sound as above.


    It is very nice to passthrough the motherboard main USB controller, that is usually almost all computer ports if you have 2 USB IOMMU group setup. You can then unplug and plug things in after the VM has started as and when you like (keyboard, mouse, USB sound, printer, etc), and they will all have trouble-free fast access. Avoid the use of a USB hub.


    Hello Alexander,


    Thank you for the information.

  10. Hello Mex,


    I have been looking for an icon for some time now. I don't exactly want it to show the case outline but more towards the servers name. My server is call Missile Silo. Wondering if you could sketch something up that looked like an opened missile silo hatch and a missile half way out. Im not sure what art style would look better but something that's not a colored icon would work. Maybe the same style you are using for the cases?



  11. Hello Everyone,


    Im thinking of using a VM as a daily driver but I have a question. Is it best to view the VM through a VNC or to pass-though not only a GPU but also a keyboard, mouse, usb for peripherals, ect and just connect a display straight to the gpu on the server?


    The reason I ask this is because im using splashtop as my VNC but I notice that its not very smooth when there's a lot moving on the screen (videos, games, ect). Also I haven't found a VNC that supports multi monitor for free.


    I would like to know what you guys do or recommend.



  12. Hello,


    I have followed video 1 to create a windows VM but im having an issue with the sound. I added <sound model='ich9'> </sound> to the xml but after doing that I cant use spashtop. I connected using unraids vnc and I can see the vm is working but splashtop cant connect. Once I deleted the sound in the xml splashtop could connect again. To make sure I added it in again and it couldnt connect, took it out and splashtop connect. Has anyone run into this problem? Is there another way to add sound? Thanks.

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