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Posts posted by nickctn

  1. On 12/23/2023 at 12:43 PM, ap90033 said:

    I just wanted to see if anyone else has had this happen. Unmanic converts from h264 to h265 and says it succeeds but then the video file goes from being a 2-hour video to something like 26 minutes. So it seems to be chopping off the majority of the video. Any ideas or suggestions?

    Have you ever figured this out?

    I'm having the same issues with some of my files.

  2. On 8/14/2023 at 9:42 AM, ssjucrono said:

    I think the same thing happened to me. Grocy just broke



    Did you ever figure this out?  I just started getting the same thing.


    Edit:  So in order to solve this on my side, here I steps I took.

    1. Stopped grocy

    2. Renamed my grocy appdata folder

    3. Started grocy, then stopped it again after a minute

    4. copied data/storage ,  data/config.php and data/grocy.db from my old appdata folder over to the new grocy appdata floder

    5. Restarted grocy and everything worked!

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