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Everything posted by DawnTreader

  1. Hey thanks for the link to the new list. Will be looking into getting replacement controller(s).
  2. So why did these controllers work well with my TrueNAS setup? Nearly 5 years without any problems and it never tanked on speed when more than 1 movie was streaming from Plex. Is this any good? https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0882MHH3G/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pf_rd_p=d8c43617-c625-45bd-a63f-ad8715c2c055&pf_rd_r=F9RDJK4NA45NG90V8BAA&pd_rd_wg=0xj4j&pd_rd_w=WeU1b&content-id=amzn1.sym.d8c43617-c625-45bd-a63f-ad8715c2c055&pd_rd_r=2365217a-69b9-4010-bbe5-d8973bf42139&s=industrial&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw Or this? https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0B7SNH23Y/?coliid=I1BKTK0MGQTWAJ&colid=24KD44A5F6PH4&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  3. Total UnRAID newb here. I have used TrueNAS and am a windows IT guy so I do know stuff, but I am having a real issue with this 100% filled log and errors in the btrfs thing. There may be other stuff, it would be great if someone(s) would be willing to have a look and tell me where to start straightening out the problems with my UnRAID server. jbod-diagnostics-20231230-1328.zip
  4. This tool is great. I really like the ability to "see" my servers layout. I don't know if this has been asked or if I am just not paying attention, but is there a way to rearrange these: without having to remake them all again? I have been looking for a way to move the columns left or right so that I could move the Motherboard column back before the Motherboard Tray column. This would be a lot simpler if there were arrows to rearrange the order of the columns than removing 3 columns and recreating them.
  5. OH. Thanks. Really new, like less than 24 hours, to UNRAID. Additionally I found this: UDMA CRC Error Count - General Support - Unraid That answer tells me I don't need to worry about it. Thanks for your help!
  6. So I have put together an array of 12 1TB HDD. They are not new so I understand that they could have errors. But when I first started up UNRAID and it found the drives it gave me an error message for 2 of the drives but now after multiple short and extended test they say no error. But the list of drives still shows that the drives have errors. Is this a refresh problem of some kind?
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