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Everything posted by tehdreamer

  1. I had the same issue of connection refused from the mariadb docker. for me, the error was the account I created only had permissions to connect locally, not from another docker. what worked for me was: set the DB_HOST value to the IP address of the Unraid server and the nonstandard port that I had set up for the mariadb docker like this: and granting the privileges for the [email protected] (the network segment I run the mariadb and bookstack on, since the request via the unraid IP will be routed through there). technicalramblings has a great article on this. adding this as it might help someone down the line.
  2. first of all thank you for this awesome tool! I have a Supermicro X10DRL-i with Noctua NF-F12 PWM fans. I was able to connect via network and lowered the threshold for all the fans to 200. this got rid of the constant cycle, but now my fans spin full speed all the time. looking at the events, it tells me that based on the temperature it will lower the speed to 40%, but it never does. on the supermicro IPMI the "Current FAN Mode is Full". where should I look next? here is the sample log: 2019-12-26 20:46:01 Starting Fan Control 2019-12-26 20:46:01 Setting fans to full speed 2019-12-26 20:46:11 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(25%):HDD Temp(31°C), FANA(25%):HDD Temp(31°C) LE: this is fixed. Issue was with the config file. I have made some changes there and disabled all users except the basic admin. I have also disabled all the sensors I didn't need (all except CPU, system and HDD temp). Fans now go to the lower ends as well.
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