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Posts posted by Terror-Gene

  1. Hi guys,

    I'm wanting to setup a Taiga container (taiga.io) but am struggling with the non click & install process.

    Hoping someone can throw together a Taiga image or guide me through whatever I'm missing with manually setting everything up :s


    This looks like a fantastic Project Management tool & seems to be just what I'm after with my project, I have moved from Trello to Favro & now prefer the style of Taiga.


    I think this would be a fantastic addition to the Unraid CA Library.

    There are already dockerhub containers for this but their setup process is not simple for me. integrated db would be very beneficial.


    plz & thanks?!




    So after a lot of trial & error for hours i managed to get it running. for anyone else that stumbles upon this, this is what i've done:


    1. Install postgresql from CA, fill your new database info & map the port 5432 to 5432
    2. Download the taiga example files (conf.json & local.py) from benhutchins/taiga & put them in appdata/taiga-benhutchins
    3. Edit the conf.json to point the api to your servers ip address ("api": "")
      & also delete this line ("contribPlugins": ["/plugins/slack/slack.json"],)
    4. Edit the local.py & comment out this line (INSTALLED_APPS += ["taiga_contrib_slack"])
    5. find the benhutchins/taiga image in CA by searching more results from docker (advanced setting) & configure it as pictured below.
    6. If you have no email server like myself, go to the admin page ( & make new users in there.


    The big issues i had were that it seems to not like the port being changed from 80 (though i've read that it should be possible in the backend), so for now i will just remap my current port 80 app to another port.
    Another issue i frustratingly had was i couldn't access the admin page to make a new user unless i changed the port to anything but 80. But I assume this was simply old cached data causing the issue that i could have easily fixed but didn't think of it at the time.


    Hope that helps someone.

    Would love to see a click & install option in the future :D


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