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Posts posted by mmz06

  1. 24 minutes ago, Jobine said:
    [HttpClient/HCl#72] HTTP error requesting GET (52, Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)). Network appears to be configured for jumbo frames.

    This line shows that Plex complains about Jumbo Frames being enabled on your network (router).

    Did you enable this option or tried to change default MTU size (1500), on your router or Unraid ?

    If yes, maybe you should reverse this change...

  2. 15 minutes ago, Jobine said:


    [HttpClient/HCl#72] HTTP error requesting GET (52, Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)). Network appears to be configured for jumbo frames.
    SSDP: Error parsing device schema for




    These 2 messages are related to Plex daemon failing partially to fetch your router doing UPNP port mapping for incoming traffic, which leads to relayed incoming connections instead of direct.

    I don't know what could cause this from Unraid 6.11 or whatever else, but as a workaround can you try to configure a manual port mapping for the incoming traffic in your router, and configure the reflecting configuration as manual mode in Plex, and verify if at least it behaves correctly ?

  3. Salut la communauté francophone,

    En tant qu'utilisateur de Mac et donc de Safari, je voulais relayer l'information qu'une solution existe pour le cas ou comme moi, vous ne pouvez plus accéder au terminal depuis l'interface web d'Unraid.

    Il suffit de suivre ce workaround proposé par @SuperSVGA dans ce post :


    Menu "Développement" (à activer dans "Safari" > "Préférences" > "Avancées") > "Fonctionnalités Expérimentales" > décocher "WebGL 2.0"



    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, francrouge said:

    Hi all 


    Just a litlle question about the transcode folder.


    If i enable the igpu intel does the transcode folder works ?


    Because i don't see any files in my transcode folder when i'm transcoding movies





    This is the case for my configuration at least.

    i5 9600K with UHD630

    De nada 🙂

  5. 55 minutes ago, Andiroo2 said:


    I'm trying to upgrade to this new beta Plex docker version that resolves HW transcode for Intel 10th gen CPUs.  I have a plex pass...how can I get to the Plex server v1.23.x?  I tried the "latest" tag and that gave me 1.22.x.  The Docker page says that if I am logged in it will install the latest plex pass release, but I can't see where I am supposed to log in on Unraid.  

    Hi there,


    No need to login from Unraid itself but from inside Plex server only.

    Here is the solution which worked for me in this situation:


    • Like 1
  6. On 5/1/2021 at 1:58 PM, soder said:


    Check my post above, where I find out how to downgrade. It's just to change "latest" to a specific version you want, and press Apply. Then the docker is rebuilt.


    I've read that the newer version 1.23 should have fixed this problem with 4K HDR hw to SDR issue, but the docker is still not updated to 1.23.





    Hi there,


    From Plex forum, this issue seems to be taken in account since a week and a few plexpass releases:

    "(Transcoder) GPU HDR tone mapping could unexpectedly fail on some newer Intel processors (#12534)"



    Now just need to update to the last plexpass release by updating your docker container using plexpass as the version option like in the following screenshot:



    Or you can wait a bit longer the ubdate to be available in the non beta channel.


    At least it's working for my Intel i5-9600k, using Unraid 6.9.2.


    Hope this helps.

  7. 5 hours ago, craigr said:


    Hi There,

    I face this issue as well since Plex 

    I tried reinstalling Intel Compute Runtime (ICR) manually in the container, but no luck, still failing...

    So I came back to the scripted solution I proposed about four months ago which will compile and install the old Intel Beignet driver :


    Same advice as before, it takes a few long minutes to install, but it works !!!

    An you need to reinstall it each time Plex container is updated and this issue still remains...

  8. 15 minutes ago, DingHo said:

    @tmor2 I can confirm HW accel does work when you get the plex pass.  I've got your exact setting above, and it works great.  However I'm still on on old i5-3570k so I'm really curious about the 4k encoding on the newer processor.  Let us know when you can.


    I can transcode in hardware 5 4K HDR streams concurrently on my i5-9600k with embedded UHD630, as I mentioned a few weeks ago:


  9. Hello,


    It seems LSIO updated its Plex container which now includes up-to-date intel drivers, working with the last Plex version with HW transcoding and HDR tone mapping support.

    If you previously used my 1st script, you can remove it and update Plex container, if you used the one which requires to create an intermediate image, just edit the container configuration, and remove ":opencl" at the end of "Repository" keeping only "linuxserver/plex", then click on apply.

    It should download properly everything again and put you back in the original track.

    This may leave you with 2 orphan images visible in the docker tab, which can be removed from the advanced view.


  10. Hi @linuxserver.io,

    It seems there is an issue regarding the support of 3 last gens of intel CPUs while using this Plex App with HW HDR to SDR tone mapping.

    It seems one of your devs created a working solution, creating the OpenCL branch in this container GitHub here:



    Shall I ask you if there is any plan to provide this solution in the main tree, so we can all benefit of it without hack/trick ?

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, drogg said:

    So we don't need to run your script anymore (which worked wonders btw) and can instead just follow the new docker image?

    Actually, the old script doing compilation eats CPU and takes long time to execute, at least in my environment, but it has the nice ability to be really adapted to Docker in Unraid, so it actually doesn't break anything (hopefully), and so can be used still.


    The new script on the other hand, is much faster as no requiring compilation, and the GPU driver is officially supported by Intel, so by many aspect it's providing a better solution. But it's not fully adapted to Docker GUI in Unraid, and brakes the fancy container update process, so it requires a manual process for each upgrade of the LSIO Plex container


    This is the full formal upgrade process by using this script:

     docker build --pull -t linuxserver/plex:opencl https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-plex.git#opencl

    Then from Unraid Docker tab, switch to ADVANCED VIEW mode with the little switch on the top right.

    And then click on "force update" for the Plex container.


    At the end you can choose which solution suits best your needs !


  12. *** Update ***

    So by investigate further, I could find that:

    • Plex team did update their code to support official Intel  NEO Runtime drivers
    • But the required minimal version for these Intel NEO Runtime drivers is 20.36 which are not just so simple to install
    • There was a new branch created on Linuxserver's Plex GitHub, allowing easy installation of this.

    But it's not directly available from them using their Plex container app, yet.

    Then I guess it will not take long to get this formerly available from them.


    Waiting for that, if you want to go ahead and give it a try, there is a very simple way of installing this new release, which is much nicer than the script I proposed a few days ago:

    Just run the following at your plex server prompt and wait for it to complete (like a few minutes)

    docker build -t linuxserver/plex:opencl https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-plex.git#opencl

    Change the image your container is pointing to by editing it and add ":opencl" at the end of the Repository option like in this picture:



    It should take a few seconds to update your container using this new image.


    Final Steps:

    • To update the container you need to build the image again, and go to Advanced View in the container listing tab, and force update for your Plex Container. 
     docker build --pull -t linuxserver/plex:opencl https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-plex.git#opencl
    • To revert back to the original container, just remove the ":opencl" at the end of the Repository option.


    Enjoy !

  13. @Pixel5

    Compilation and everything looks good.

    So maybe your GPU is not correctly exposed inside the container.

    Should you try  (with the correct container name)

    docker exec -it plex ls -lh /dev/dri

    Mine returns this :

    root@Plex4:~# docker exec -it plex ls -lh /dev/dri
    total 0
    crw-rw---- 1 root videoScqPbdA6 226,   0 Dec 13 18:05 card0
    crw-rw---- 1 root videoScqPbdA6 226, 128 Dec 13 18:05 renderD128

    So if all this is fine, it may signify your GPU is not already supported by this unsupported driver...

    Just checked the code on GitHub and you GPU PCI-ID is in it, so it should work.

    Did you also update Unraid to last 6.9.0-beta35 ?

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