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  1. I have a weird issue when creating folder in my nextcloud instance: When I create a folder directly in nextcloud over webgui, I can see that folder in Krusader under nextcloud/[user]/files However, when I create a folder in Krusader under nextcloud/[user]/files, that folder does NOT appear in nextcloud webgui. What could be causing it?
  2. Hi, The backup fails. Debug log: 2f65d2e7-dd41-46a0-a376-3145a919b391 Mariadb tar creation fails and flash backup fails. How is this issue solved? (all docker containers are stopped at the same time before backup. No other process on UNRAID is touching or modifying any data) ab.debug.log
  3. I have following questions: If someone has been using nextcloud from LINUX repository (for 5 yrs+), is there ANY benefit to use knex666 image? If yes, what are top 3 benefits? How difficult is to change the repositories (dockers), assuming one wants to keep ALL existing data (calendar, bookmarks, contacts,..etc)? If it's easy, are there any simple and explicit STEP-BY-STEP instructions on how to perform the change? Thanks
  4. If this was in response to my comment, then I do not understand what you are talking about. Can you explain? Where is "log Variable/Storage" and where is "Template"?
  5. FYI: The user, who posted on April 18, 2024 (see just two posts above), seems to have identical problem that I am having. I am unable to access vaultwarden (VW) via MacOS desktop Bitwarden app, and iOS Bitwarden app. MacOS desktop app error: "Failed to fetch" iOS app error: "An error has occurred. Exception message: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made" I do not have any problems accessing VW either via browser (intra- or internet) or via browser add-ons. Moreover, accessing (1) was never an issue with retired bitwarden docker (before it was renamed to vaultwarden). Background store: I installed bitwarden (BW) ~6 years ago. Everything worked well. Access by any means (browser, browser add-on, MAcOS desktop app, iOS app) When bitwarden docker was retired and replaced with VW docker....all I did was reuse the same BW docker, and changed repository to "vaultwarden/server" Today, I installed the new VW docker on UNRAID... set it up the way I set up BW. Access via intra/internet using browser/browser-addon, works fine. However, access is not possible on MacOS desktop Bitwarden app (downloaded from Apple Store) and iOS bitwarden app ATM, I have two dockers in UNRAID running (BW and VW). Both point to the same repository. BW dockers works perfectly fine. VW: issues as explained above Attached are proxy config files from SWAG, and diagnostics files from each docker. The latter seem pretty similar. When I look at both VW and BW DOCKER-specific(!) CLI logs when trying to login to MacOS Bitwarden desktop app: on BW CLI, I can see server responds to when username is entered, then password on VW CLI, server doesn;t respond to anything. It's as if no requests are being made to server at all. How do I solve this issue? Thnx
  6. Here is the debug log. Also, I double checked, nothing else, not even Mover, nor any containers, nor any other processes are running during backup. The last successful backup was 2023-09. No changes/updates were made to UNRAID system since then (except Docker/plugin updates). I'm running UNRAID v6.12.9
  7. Every one of my back ups fail. I use setting stop all containers, backup then restart. The issue is mariadb app - the backup fails, and as a result, the entire backup fails (eventhough the backup of NO other apps during the process fails) How can TAR creation fail??? How is this error solved? Thanks. Here is error message: [27.03.2024 18:32:53][ℹ️][mariadb] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them... [27.03.2024 18:32:53][ℹ️][mariadb] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb [27.03.2024 18:32:53][ℹ️][mariadb] Backing up mariadb... [27.03.2024 18:35:51][❌][mariadb] tar creation failed! Tar said: tar: /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb/databases/75813e901614.err: File shrank by 880862549 bytes; padding with zeros
  8. Docker won't start, installation works. The only thing I changed after installing is time zone and webui port (incl. advanced option "WebUI=http://[IP]:[PORT:8899]") Error in logs says: "2023-08-12T23:57:43-04:00 ERROR cannot write configuration to file: open /updater/data/config.json: permission denied" What is solution?
  9. (A) I wanted to manually update from to 27.0.2 using UNRAID terminal. -my docker image was set to lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-25.0.2, (this was done several months ago, to resolve issues when migrating v24 to 25 - I didn't realize this after I started erors below). - On UNRAID terminal I executed "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar" The updater process started, but it gets stuck at "Delete old files"..Error message says: ********************* [✘] Delete old files failed core/shipped.json is not available Update failed. To resume or retry just execute the updater again. ********************* No matter how often I re-execute "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar", I end up with the same error. On the other side, WebGUI: states "Update in process." (B) Following is the version currently installed: www/nextcloud/version.php --> (v www/nextcloud/config/config.php -->(v (C) When I execute following command in UNRAID terminal docker logs nextcloud I get following error listed. ************************ PHP Warning: require_once(/config/www/nextcloud/lib/versioncheck.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php on line 40 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required '/config/www/nextcloud/lib/versioncheck.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php8') in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php:40 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php on line 40 ************************ (D) What do I do?
  10. After UNRAID update from 6.11 to 6.12.3, poste.io is not working any longer. When I try to start the container, I get pop-up error (in UNRAID GUI): "Execution Error, Server error" I can't access the logs from UNRAID->Docker->Click on poste icon-> select "Logs" Does anyone have a solution to this issue?
  11. Hi I am looking for package perl-5_32_0="yes". Is that covered by default in 6.11.0 or not?
  12. Hi, thank you for the code. I got just one result (for grep.... thing): perl-5_32_0="yes" How do I find out where is this package component used, and if I really need it? Does 6.11.0. have native support for it? (I don't remember why I installed it, but it must have been from SpaceinvaderOne videos...maybe for settig up VM (and I don't use VMs any longer) Thank you in advance.
  13. Hi, I need help RE: nerdpack. I'm still at 6.10.3 and hesitatnt to move to 6.11.0 because of the whole nerd thing issue. I don't remember why I installed nerdpack (likely SpaceinvaderOne videos). Here is an image of those that are installed (attachement). Here are my questions: Do I need these, or can I simply remove nerd package and upgrade to 6.11.0? If I do need them, how do I find out which dockers are using them? If I do need them, what do I do to replace them. When I execute in UNRAID cml: grep yes /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/NerdPack.cfg, I get JUST one entry: perl-5_32_0="yes" Is this package available as standalone in 6.11.0? (I don't see it in Apps store on 6.10.3) Thank you.
  14. Ever since I updated poste.io container in August 2021, all of my emails are being quarantined. In order to IMAP retrieve emails from server to my phone, I need to log in into webUI as admin, go to "Quarantine" tab and click "deliver" next to EACH email. This is very tedious. Does anyone have this problem? Also, under "Blacklist/Whitelist---->Karma Records", all IP addresses are marked as "Bad" connection. The only workaround to manually "delivering" each quarantined email, is whitelisting all incoming IP addresses. That's quite risky. Disabling "Spam Check" and "Antivirus" check didn't solve problem. Any ideas?
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