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Everything posted by CloudVader

  1. JorgeB, just wanted to pop in and thank you! This worked and data is currently copying to my new array. Thank you so much for the help! I never would have figured this out on my own.
  2. Thanks, I will give this a try! I'm only planning to copy data, not add it back to the array, so hopefully this is what I need.
  3. Essentially assign it to a blank array and tell it that parity is valid so it won't overwrite the contents?
  4. Sorry for the bump, but has anyone gotten a disk with the "device supports 4096 byte sectors (not 512)" error to actually mount using Unassigned Devices? Or any other method? To make a long story short, I'm in the process of migrating data from some HGST drives onto a new array by mounting and copying files, and these drives were originally part of an Unraid array themselves. However while most of the drives from that old Unraid instance mount and copy over just fine, I've got a couple that seem to be set at 4096 instead of 512. How do I get the data off of these drives if they won't mount? I attempted the suggestion above of loading a trial key onto a thumb drive to use on the original server hardware, but still getting the same error even on that. Any help would be appreciated. Google searches turn up very little for this specific issue.
  5. I just registered with the forum to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this. I was having the exact same error issue on my parity drive and was using SATA splitters in exactly the same way, and of course it turned out that was the issue. I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out why a perfectly good brand-new drive started suddenly giving me read errors yet passed all SMART tests and worked just fine in another system. Put it back in, secured the SATA splitter, and now it looks like it's working normally again. What a wonderful, supportive community this is!
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