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Posts posted by Akuno

  1. Hi there


    I was wondering how high water should work? I thought it would fill up all disks equally. I did activate it when all 3 disks had 2 TB free space but it seems to only fill up the first disk. I have set the split level to "automatically split any directory as required". From what I could find in the forum this should work, but it doesn't. Why is that?



  2. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    In the diags posted there's something reading from disk3, that will disable turbo write.

    Maybe the log files of a docker? Especially nextcloud loves to write unnecessary logs all the time. At least that is what I did find out when I was trying to get my server into sleep mode. Which was unsucsessfull because of nextcloud. I only did manage to get 2/4 disks to spinn down by moving everything nextcloud relatet on disk 3.

  3. 11 hours ago, trurl said:

    appdata, domains, system shares are all on the array.


    What happens if you disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings?

    I did turn off both but I still had write speeds around 10 MB/s. Then I did shutdown the server and after a while boot it back up. Now my write speeds are back at 110 MB/s. I have no idea what caused the slowdown but it works again. Thank you for your help.

  4. Today I did transfer two movies with over 100 MB/s from my windows PC to my unraid server. But now any other File will be around 10 MB/s. I did check for unraid updates and restarte the server and my PC several times. I did test my HDD speeds with the "disk speeds" plugin but nothing abnormal could be found and nothing works. It seems that it will write on one of my disks and on the parity disk at the same time. It seems like it uses "read/modify/write" mode. The shares are all set to "High-Water" so as far as I could find this should work, and did work just hours before.
    Where should I go from here? What could I check? Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

    Screenshot 2022-12-25 08.46.20.png

    Screenshot 2022-12-25 08.35.32.png


  5. I can probably do that on the weekend but I need to remove critical date first.
    but I think you will not see anything. I tried to restor my ts3 server by copying the old files from friday and removed the files from monday.
    In the mean time. Could it be that the userscript for my sheduled restart doesn't savely powerdown the server?
    It is this one:


    shutdown -r now

    The folders for the channels are still there but the server can't read them. I now did rebuild the server again and there are now 60 channels in "\appdata\binhex-teamspeak\sql\files\virtualserver_1" I have acctualy 30 channels on my server. Teamspeak was only able to read the icons.

    What do I need to do to backup my ts3 server and what do I need to do to restore it?
    Right now I just made a copy of the "binhex-teamspeak" folder in \appdata. But simply change the new files and replace them with the old ones doesn't work.

  6. Okay another od thing for you binhex. Today I had a sheduled restart of my server at 04:00. And my teamspeak server is gone. The data in appdata/binhex teamspeak is still there but if I connect to the server there are no channels or rights. (Just the default ts3 channel, like a new teamspeak server) I copied my backup to the folder, restartet everything, it doesn‘t change anything. Do you have an idea why this can happen?


    Oh and i‘m still the admin, I don‘t need to use the token.


    thank you for your help.

  7. I decided to roll back to unraid 6.6.7. Because I were just finishing work on the Teamspeak rights I didn‘t back it up yet. So I had to rebuild it. After 4h of work my teamspeak is 90% back and runing. Will make a backup asap. 😅

    Thank you for your help. It‘s realy strange when the teamspeakserver dies while 50+ people are acitve on it and you have no idea what is going on.

  8. 2 hours ago, binhex said:

    with this:-

    so im going to guess you are using unraid 6.7.2, and you have /config for this container stored on the array (not cache drive), am i correct?.

    Yes I'm using unraid 6.7.2 and yes everything is on the array. I hav no cach drive. I'm using an usb 2 stick for unraid and 3x 8GB WD Red HDD as array (1 as parrity disc).

  9. Hello binhex. I'm using your docker for about 2 months now and it worked all fine.
    Today my group and I were online and it just crashed from one second to another without any warning.
    Now I can't connect on the TS Server. Everything else works fine on my server. (Plex etc.)
    I did restart the TS3 docker and later on the server. I still can't connect.
    Checked the Ports on my router, all fine. Checket my dns service, allso working.
    Checket the logs and found this error:  (the colours are as they are in the log)


    2019-10-16 00:15:26,751 DEBG 'teamspeak' stdout output:
    2019-10-15 22:15:26.751278|INFO |FileManager | |listening on, [::]:30033

    2019-10-16 00:15:26,759 DEBG 'teamspeak' stdout output:
    2019-10-15 22:15:26.759549|ERROR |VirtualServer |1 |VIRTUALSERVER_DEFAULT_SERVER_GROUP points to 0

    2019-10-16 00:15:26,759 DEBG 'teamspeak' stdout output:
    2019-10-15 22:15:26.759881|ERROR |VirtualSvrMgr | |loading VirtualServer(1) failed to start, error: invalid group ID

    2019-10-16 00:15:26,760 DEBG 'teamspeak' stdout output:
    2019-10-15 22:15:26.760115|INFO |VirtualServerBase|1 |stopped

    Do you know what this means and how I can fix it?

    Thanks and best regards

  10. Hi guys

    First let me thank you for the tool and support you provide.

    Now my question. I just made a script


    and it works finde. Yeay! :D

    Now I want it to be sheduled every monday at 04:00 am how do i set the custom crone shedule? (what do i write in there?)
    Tahnks for your help

  11. Hello guys and girls


    I‘m right now building my first server and I‘m not so sure about the os for it. I consider unraid primarely for one feature: the possability to integrate new HDD‘s easly in the system.


    Now what do I want to do with the Server. First and foremost it will be a server for Plex but I also want a Ts3 Server on it and maybe later on some TTT (gaming) Server too.


    Can I do all these things with unraid?

    Will my hardware be enough?

    Right now I don‘t want to compress the movies, it will all be on Lan, maybe later on I will open the server for my family to watch movies over the internet.



    i5 4600

    8GB DDR3 Ram

    no GPU

    for now 3x 8TB WD Red

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