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Everything posted by Mattaton

  1. Gotcha. I think I'm heading in that direction with all these issues. Built this 3 years ago and it's been more or less rock solid until now (other than a couple drive replacements). Not sure if these known issues with Ryzen can just pop up out of nowhere or not.
  2. Hmmmm...no. But I will. So, in general, if I were to build a new server tomorrow, is Intel just the better way to go?
  3. All of the SMART reports are good. Should I run extended self-test on each disk?
  4. The past two days, at some point during the night my server has crashed with this same message on the attached monitor. I'm attaching diagnostics, if they'll help. My server hardware is: MSI MEG UNIFY X570 AMD Ryzen 5 3600 32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200 I recently replaced the RAM suspecting it could be causing issues, but the issues remain. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt Kernel Offset: disabled ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt ]--- tyreemedia-diagnostics-20231005-0809.zip
  5. This is a problem with both dashboard and docker CSS files being loaded on the dashboard page. Should only load the dashboard CSS files. I'll get it sorted. Thanks
  6. For future reference, this post by @ljm42 seems to be the best/confirmed fix for this problem: Which is an update to his earlier post (which does offer some other CLI commands that could be useful in this scenario): Thanks!
  7. I was just coming back to post that I got the array stopped and restarted. I did end up using the to get the cache unlocked. I'm going to read over the rest of the post you linked to see what else they did. Thanks!
  8. Attempted to restart array. Has not been able to stop because it can't unmount /mnt/cache since it is busy. UPDATE: After 30 minutes, it still can't unmount the cache.
  9. I noticed some issues with getting a few of my containers started today and decided to restart the docker service. Now it won't come back up. Logs say: I've attached my diagnostics. Should I just reboot the server? Thanks! tyreemedia-diagnostics-20231004-0812.zip
  10. Here's what it looks like on Crafty: Much better, though there is a bit of a chin that I was originally trying to fix when I first started adding heights to the ports and volume mappings that conflicted with the dynamic heights. Given the complications of changing it, I think the chin is something we can live with! 😄 THANKS!
  11. You have to remove all heights set on those elements in the CSS. Those heights make things look good inside the box (for the most part), but since the heights can conflict with the dynamic height of the outer containing element, issues arise. But yeah, I do notice some inconsistent behavior in clicking the same container more than once. I think it's just because the javascript calculates where the box should pop up according to exactly where you click. So, it's not always calculated the same.
  12. I think overflow: auto is the perfect solution for the long lists without making the size of the whole box so large. But overflow: auto requires a hard-coded height on the box, and the dynamic height of tooltipster still looks at the content's height whether I hide it with overflow; auto or not. I THINK I can fix this by getting into overriding the height of the tooltipster, but there's a lot at play, so I have to be careful not to foul something else up in the process. 🙂
  13. First, I am DEFINITELY not slamming FolderView, so let's get that out of the way right up front. 😄 Yep, you're right. Which is why I hadn't even noticed the problem until @Masterwishx pointed it out to me. I only have one container that even begins to test this issue. But, there are issues with the content warranting a smaller dynamic height when I have a hard height set as well. Say I have the box set at 356px, but the dynamic height is set to 250px. Which is what makes the border disappear under the box. I think I can just set a min-height on the tooltipster to fix the box being too small. Hard heights makes the graph, ports, and volumes look nice, but it causes issues. Cool. I can look into it further, but for now I will just remove hard-coded heights until I can give it more time. Thanks!!!
  14. Here are the issues with styling the advanced context menu... The height of the tooltipster-base element, the graph, the ports box, and the volumes box are all dynamically given heights by javascript. I assume this is derived from a combination of content and browser viewport size. What's causing the issue that @Masterwishx points out is that even though I can "fix" the crazy tall heights that the ports box can get up to by setting a height on that box in CSS (and adding overflow: auto for scrollbars when needed), the tooltipster-base has that dynamic height that is either smaller or larger than the hard height I set, so the orange border gets sucked up behind the content if the height I set is smaller than the tooltipster dynamic height. That's why the orange arrow is inside the box, since its z-index is higher than the tooltipster itself. With no way of dynamically setting height based on the height of other elements set by javascript, there's nothing I can do with CSS alone to fix this. I can go back to the drawing board and try to combat heights and widths of everything from the tooltipster base and everything in it, but that can get nasty real quick. @scolcipitato, @hernandito, do you have any thoughts on this? Below is what it looks like when I remove all heights that I set in the CSS. I'm only affecting colors and paddings here. You can see the very tall dynamic heights potentially added to the elements here: And the very tall box that comes with it:
  15. I was attempting to control the height of the context menu so that the graph, ports, and volume boxes all stayed the same height (and add scrollbar when the list of ports or volumes is long), but this appears to have had some unnoticed side effects. I will look at it ASAP. Thanks!
  16. https://github.com/Tyree/folder.view.custom.css Latest version of custom CSS is uploaded to work with FolderView 2023.09.30.2 For now there's just the unRAID black theme, but I'll be expanding that soon. But anyone can take these files and tweak the color scheme file ( https://github.com/Tyree/folder.view.custom.css/blob/main/urblack-theme/01-colors.dashboard-docker.css ) and var files to make it their own. @Masterwishx please let me know if you see any issues. Thanks!
  17. The latest version of my CSS files sets a uniform height on those screens so the pop up doesn't end up super tall related to the graph, but also sets overflow so you can scroll for longer port or volume lists. I'll have a look ASAP.
  18. You have to use the raw url, not the preview url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ground7/unraid-animated-svgs/998caafba7ebfac26963053deffc6ca586915847/Always Animate/nzb.svg
  19. Dude! You are awesome! This is so good I would like this post more than once if I could. My CSS files have gotten kinda long and this will allow me to break pieces out so people can pick and choose what they want. Ah man. Just awesome. Thank you
  20. Updated dark mode advanced context menu. Color scheme updated for stock unRAID. Most users will only need to tweak this section of variables to match their own color scheme: /* Color Scheme - Edit to your preferences */ --advc-cscheme-accent1: #ff8c2f; /* Main accent color */ --advc-cscheme-accent2: #2cabe3; /* Secondary accent color */ --advc-cscheme-light1: #ffffff; /* Light */ --advc-cscheme-light2: #cccccc; /* Lighter */ --advc-cscheme-light3: #a1a1a1; /* Lightest */ --advc-cscheme-dark1: #212121; /* Dark */ --advc-cscheme-dark2: #1c1b1b; /* Darker */ --advc-cscheme-dark3: #191818; /* Darkerer */ --advc-cscheme-dark4: #000000; /* Darkest */ https://github.com/Tyree/folder.view.custom.css/blob/context-menu-dark-mode/docker-custom.css This is a branch of my main Custom CSS. The Advanced Context Menu Dark Mode styles are at the bottom if you already have styles in place for the main docker table that you don't want to overwrite.
  21. UPDATE 2: One thing I hadn't tried yet is restarting my own computer. Did that and now it all works. I have no idea why, but it works.
  22. UPDATE I restarted the array again and now I can access public shares again. But I still can't access flash or appdata which are set to private. I have tried both users I created for SMB access. Tried as ap\user and apunraid\user.
  23. I've been able to access shares no problem until I set the Flash to be accessible (so I could access a plugin while developing some custom CSS). I set it to Private and gave my smb user r/w access, and now ALL shares are inaccessible. Even the ones that were set to share-public. I've gone as far as rebooting the server, creating a new user and granting it access. Nothing works. I'm on Windows on a domain. So when I try to access the server, Windows automatically sets the user as being on the domain AP\user in my case. Which doesn't work. Not surprising. So I change the user to be apunraid\user whereas apunraid is the name of the server. Still doesn't work. I've attached my diagnostics. Can anyone help? Thanks! apunraid-diagnostics-20230925-0757.zip
  24. @Squid Sorry for the delay. I tried deleting the container again and then immediately exported the diagnostics. Thanks! tyreemedia-diagnostics-20230925-0712.zip
  25. I'm not sure how it's used elsewhere in unRAID, so I don't know if this breaks something or not. This is still the toolstipster, though. Like I said, that is the element with the border, so there's no real way to get around styling it for the border (and shadow)... But, you can style the .preview-outbox for your padding and background color. Sorry, I had some other things to get done today, so I'm not focused on this at the moment. I'll look back at what you've accomplished later tonight.
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