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Posts posted by mighthire

  1. On 7/13/2020 at 9:40 AM, fithwum said:

    i have changed the docker template to be able to put the save data and the appdata in different places. for installs that are already running you would need to move the data yourself. you will need to edit your docker and change the appdata Config Path from /foundry to /foundry/fvtt and then add a new path container path needs to be /foundry/data and you can map that to whatever share you want and that should work.

    Thanks man!  Tipped you!  Keep up the good work :D

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 7/1/2020 at 9:58 PM, fithwum said:

    you can do this by simply expanding the show more settings and setting the past that you want to store the files in and it will work that way. i set it as app data because that is the most common way to do it.


    the options file should be in mnt/user/appdata/FoundryVTT/data/Config


    hope this helps

    Also I believe he's asking for a path mapping to a data dir instead of a combination of the data and app files as it it now. Since I back up my app data often I don't want the 20GB of data to be backed up each week too :) Thanks!

  3. On 6/28/2020 at 7:25 PM, njdowdy said:

    @phreeq, thanks so much for the nginx config. It's working great.

    I was wondering though what you meant by "# Make sure that your dns has a cname set for dokuwiki". Can you elaborate on that the dokuwiki thing or was that a leftover comment from a different template you copied as a base for this template?

    Also, can anyone confirm if the default behavior for token images is to point to "icons/svg/mystery-man.svg"? I see most of the token images point to this placeholder and I wasn't sure if this was proper default behavior or if I've misconfigured something. When I change the path to a new token, the token on the map changes but not the small profile image on the "Actors Directory" menu which lists all the currently imported tokens. 

    Thanks again!

    This is normal - late yes but if you have any questions I've been running 3 concurrent games weekly via Foundry!

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 9/11/2019 at 12:32 PM, 2twisty said:


    Anybody have any suggestions for me on this? I REALLY need to get the VPN going since I am on Spectrum and don't want to get any nastygrams.

    I thought I was going crazy but I have the exact same issue - I've even removed deluge, and triple checked the ports, restarted the server, docker, etc.


    The problem is I can't even start the qbit container unless I map port 8080 > 8081, not that there were any conflicts but it's still an issue.


    I'm assuming you're using either ubiquity tech, or Sab or some other business like I am. 


    EDIT:  Okay, so apparently in the Unifi Controller -  remapped port 8080 to something else but it's still holding that port as its own...  I'm not an adept user so far but apparently even if a container is translating the port it won't work.


    EDIT 2:  Well, the unifi controller has ports ref'd in it's actual appdata configs which was/is the problem.  For whatever reason when I remap qbit ports they don't accept anything but 8080 for webui authentication - which could be anything but maybe I could guess it has to do with the openvpn configs?


    EDIT 3:  My friend and I figured out that you need to enable advanced view (because you can't edit HOST PORT 3 otherwise), then delete 'HOST PORT 3' (the hardcoded 8080), and create a new var called 'HOST PORT 3' with your new port, as type 'port'.

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