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Posts posted by grither

  1. hi, a few days ago all my downloads stopped unpacking!   Don't believe I changed any settings.   Might have updated the docker though.  Downloads go where they are supposed to but they are all numbered rar files not unpacked.  I can see in the settings under categories that it is set to 'delete' which I believe means repair, unpack and delete.   Any suggestions?

  2. Hi, I have had a working system for many years.   Currently on 6.12.8 with docker patch installed.    Noticed that plex server hadn't updated any shows/movies in last few days.   In radarr, I see 24 movies which say downloaded, waiting to import.    Not sure if this is a radarr, plex, or sabdnzb problem!   Any advice on how to solve?


    update- noticed in Radarr all 24 movies say 'found archive file, might need to be extracted'.   Maybe SAB stopped unpacking?   I can see in my download folder, all files have not been unpacked.   Not sure why this changed, or how to re-enable?

  3. Had a power outage this morning.   Server is on backup battery but my router is not.    rebooted server, and router, and restarted docker a couple of times.   Plex still cannot see my server even though docker is running.   


    Not sure where to start the trouble shooting?   any help is appreciated!!


    EDIT:   it looked like my server is now showing up twice, one available and one unavailable.    deleted unavailable and everything seems to be working.  odd glitch

  4. somehow I lost access to the GUI overnight.  funny thing is, I'm sure the server is running, I can access media stored on it through Plex.


    Did a hard shutdown (bad I know), server rebooted, but still cannot access the gui! 


    Any suggestions?


    EDIT:  gui came back after about two hours.  No idea why


  5. thanks for the info.  after watching this for a day, looks like if i spin them down, they stay down for only about half an hour.


    wonder if this is due to using both sonarr and radarr?  I tried the file activity plugin but can't really get it to work.  I click start and it shows running, then I come back to it and it's stopped


  6. thanks for the tips.  now set appdata and one other back share to be cache only.  also noticed i had 3 files on the cache (movie files) that the mover wouldn't move.  wonder if it was continually trying?  anyway deleted them and spun down drives.  they have stayed down for an hour so far, which is progress!  thanks again


  7. hi all, long time happy user.  I've noticed that my drives never seem to spin down on one of my servers.  seemed to happen around the time i installed radarr but might be coincidence


    also, is seems to be leveliing out the drives, meaning I have almost the exact same amount of free space on each drive.  shares are set to high water, so maybe this is correct


    any recommendations?  diagnostics attached




  8. 16 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Go into your Diagnostics file and open up the 'shares' folder.  Open up both of the .cfg files that begin with "M".  Notice that the file whose base name ends with "c" has     public        misspelled in two places. 


    Also, if you continue to compare both files and you will see that is more corruption in this file near the end of it.  You should make a backup copy of this file and edit it to look like the "a" file.  You can find these files on the boot drive in the   config/shares   folder/directory.

    wow you are amazing, great catch.  concerned about how that got corrupted, no idea, although this issue happened right after the upgrade to the latest version...


    so I made a backup, edited the one in flash.  should I reboot?



  9. Please help!  updated to latest unraid.  everything working EXCEPT for one mapped windows drive, mapped to a share called music.  anything i try to do gives me error 'destination folder access denied' and 'you need permission to perform this action'


    I can access all other shares, but not this music folder.  ran new permissions over night, no help


    diagnostics attached?




  10. long time user.  installed radarr about two weeks ago.  have noticed that my drives are always spun up. i can manually spin down, but within an hour, will be spun up again, all of them.  never seems to spin up one or two, seems all or nothing


    any advice?  using only sonarr, radarr, sab, and plex


    radarr has been downloading a lot and replacing a lot of my movies, but i'm using a cache drive for downloads and mover only moves them once a day


    logs attached


  11. Thanks for the long write up.  spent two hours digesting it lol.  i think the essence is that everything needs to start at the same 'root'/relativity... i think lol


    Still having the issue though!!!  I reset all my paths to be in accordance with your advice.  spot anything off?


    included my docker settings for radarr, sab and sonarr.  also the categories in sab.  I can select a file in radarr and send to sab, which downloads into the right spot.  but radarr still says 'no files eligible for import


    also noticed i have added paths for 'mnt'.  can't recall why there or if they should be deleted





  12. Hi all, sorry to be the slow kid in class. 


     so my new problem is i'm getting an error in radarr that 'no files are elegible for import' after a download.  I realized I had sab extracting directly to my movie folder therefore radarr was being 'cut out' of any processing.  have now chnaged sab to unpack movies to a folder called '!unzip'.  but now they are staying there, and radarr isn't processing them and moving them to my main movie folder.


    any advice?  totally blank on how to trouble shoot this error


  13. Ok thanks again Squid.  So to confirm, go to winter soldier through radarr, choose delete (but not delete files).  Then go to add movie and search for winter and add?  Does that sound correct?


    wonder if there is a batch way to do this given that i have over 300 to do

  14. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Because the movie has already been added. Go to that movie in radar, then files, and you will see that it probably was added as an incorrect match

    Sent from my NSA monitored device

    appreciate the reply.  when i go to all of the above, i get 'no files for this movie' as per the attachment.  its my favorite movie, its definitely there lol!  any advice on what's going on ?  i seem to have 360 of these situations...


  15. hi all, long time unraid, sab, sonarr and plex user.  recently installed radarr. Imported about 8,000 movies, but about 300 (in pic) are showing as duplicates.  can't figure out why though.  movie appears to be identified correctly and matches file name


    any advice on how to resolve??


  16. 6 hours ago, Catutzi said:

    I just found out that my plex server is no longer detected by my tv/laptop. 

    I can login to the server, but no server/share is being detected.

    I don't know how to proceed. unRAID version is 6.6.2. 

    I attached the diag. Maybe someone can assist.

    Thank you.


    i had similar problems.  recent plex versions have had problems.  


    i would remove docker, and reinstall from template but using version image.png.6039c0805789e3ec564918e173b5d443.png in the key 3 field.  appears to be the last stable version.  my two servers are running this version without problems



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