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Everything posted by Eli517

  1. Good video but after having my usb flash get corrupted while I was using the remote feature of the new unraid.net. I am not saying the unraid.net cause the flash drive getting corrupted but using the restore usb flash steps were not clear enough that I had to redo the process a couple of times in order to get it to work and restore my flash drive in order to get my server up and running. Maybe doing a video or a doc that had the steps to restore a backup unless it already exists and I simply do not where it is located for me to use. The good thing is that the system works which is at the end of the day a good thing for all users.. thanks Eli
  2. Noob here asking how to do this so I can get this script running....Watched Youtube video and still nothing...Pls forward instructions or process on how to do this and thanks.