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Everything posted by TechDevil84

  1. Thank you gacpac and dlandon for your detailed explanations and I hope that other users can also benefit from it. Now I understand better how the docker "Recycle Bin" works.
  2. Hey BRiT I mean the rootshare from that SpaceinvadernOne explanatory video. How to setup a root share in unRAID, 1 share to rule them all! 2 Minute Tips Ep 02 Hey trurl If I understand your answer correctly the rootshare does not communicate via SMB?
  3. Hello everybody Why does the Recycle bin Plugin not work with the rootshare? Because when I delete something in the rootshare it is not moved to the trash, but really deleted. If I delete something in a "normal" share it will be moved to the trash. Do I overlook a configuration or is this the expected behaviour of the plugin?
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