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Posts posted by wewantrice

  1. Thanks for this plugin and apologies for what might be a simple question:


    I may have missed this but exactly how do you go about restoring? I tried using the backed up XML but got an NVRAM related error. 

    Do you have to manually move the NVRAM files somewhere?



  2. If anyone from the future stumbles upon this topic and has everything set up properly but keeps getting the message below when attempting to sign into iMessage


    To use iMessage with this Mac, contact Apple Support and provide the code below.

    Customer Code: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
    Apple ID: [email protected]


    Your appleID is probably blacklisted. Your only choice is to call or chat with apple support and let them know you think your apple ID is blocked.  It's possible you've had too many attempts under your current serial number which caused your account to be flagged. In my case I kept getting the message even after starting fresh with a new VM install/new serial number/trying a new apple ID/calling apple to unlock my old apple ID. I'm fairly certain my WAN ip address was causing the problem due to too many attempts to login.


    After doing a DHCP release/renew and getting a new IP address from my ISP and calling apple again to unblock my account I was able to sign into iMessage. 


    Hope that helps someone after hours of pulling my hair out. 


    • Like 1
  3. On 11/14/2020 at 12:00 PM, ghzgod said:

    AWESOME!!!  I would have never known. My CPU gets taxed hard for the hundreds of camera triggers on a daily basis.  Thank you for providing this!!

    Trying to install the latest x5 beta as above but can't get the activation prompt to show (shows as already activated). The noavx version works fine? Not sure what I'm doing incorrectly.

  4. On 5/15/2020 at 10:11 PM, Carlos Amador said:

    Hi skiman384,

    I have an issue when i set up reverse proxy for Home Assistant, I loss google cast devices and i found a Avahi container that help me


    docker run -d --name=mdns-reflector \
      --network proxynet \

    Once the docker container is running do 

    docker network connect br0 mdns-reflector

    I am far from an expert but I found this after some hours using google.

    Hope it help. 

    Thank you for this! This allowed me to get google cast devices and Homekit working in home assistant! Is there a way to have the docker network command issued automatically on system reboot or do you do it manually each time?

  5. Any luck with this? I'm in the exact same boat as you with home assistant, I read an old post about someone setting up avahi on a small ubuntu VM. May try that later. 


    Edit: No luck enabling avahi in an ubuntu VM. Not sure if there's a solution. I ended up setting up the cast node in node-red to handle sending announcements to speakers around the house. 

  6. Looking to upgrade from a Haswell based system to something more recent to take advantage of Intel QuickSync for use in a Win10 VM that will run Blue Iris for surveillance, so Skylake or above if I'm not mistaken. The machine also serves as a daily driver/desktop so a mobo with outputs for 2 monitors is ideal.


    If anyone could chime in on known CPU Mobo combinations that would support this I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

  7. On 10/1/2019 at 1:44 PM, H2O_King89 said:

    Sorry that's what I meant. what do I do in there?


    Do I make a file in this path?



    And thank you, got dark mode working!

    you need to run the command  mentioned from a terminal window,  which you should be able to launch from your unraid main page or by using ssh/telnet to login to your server.


    Can't seem to get this working.  :-\


    Have the docker running in host mode (won't ruin in other network modes). I can access the admin page but pihole doesn't seem to be accepting dns requests. No activity is noted in the admin page. I have dual nics on my rig so not sure if that is causing problems? Thanks for your hard work!

  9. I can't get the SSH daemon to start.


    I've reinstalled it for good measure, same thing. Just says that SSH is not running. When I try and connect via SSH, it tells me connection refused.


    This is all that pops up in the log when I click start:


    Apr 29 12:26:49 Tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ssh/scripts/rc.ssh buttonstart


    I'm on 6.1.9 currently.


    Is there any log or information I can provide to help figure this out? Or some critical setup step I missed? I've perused the github documentation, and couldn't find anything. Thank you!


    I'm in the same boat on 6.1.9 as well. Unistalled, re-installed and SSH damon won't start. Oddly it was working before. Any solutions? Thanks!

  10. Thanks for the help, what specifically would I have to put into the go file to add a user to the sudoers list? The reason I'm trying to do this is I usually remotely connect to my server via SSH under a non root user name and would like the ability to remotely reboot the server if necessary.

  11. Hello all,


    Tried searching but to no avail. I'm looking to add a user to the sudoers list, which I can temporarily do with visduo; however this does not survive a reboot. Is there any way I can make the change persist after reboot?



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