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Everything posted by IsSidha

  1. Had the same issue, no shares to be seen and clicking add share only gave a blank page After disabling the adblocker in Safari it now shows the shares and am able to add a share again
  2. one thing that works for me with all dockers set /config = /mnt/cache/dockerapps/(name of docker) set /media = /mnt/user ignore all other directories it's asking for now you can simply use the entire storage from /media make sure the settings of the programs itself are pointing to valid directories then so far only SickBeard can't hold the default directory after a reboot for some strange reason
  3. can't add a user either.. running 6.1.3 there is no error or anything so my guess it's the page that makes the booboo.. as in, not doing what it's supposed to do otherwise, no clue as none is given in log/error files.. worked before in 6.1.0 guess i'll downgrade then to a previous version
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