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Posts posted by psycho_asylum

  1. On latest, VNC isn't connectable, I get a connection refused message in my browser.  Reverting to 2.16.2-1-05 fixes it.



      File "/usr/sbin/websockify", line 22, in importlib_load_entry_point
        for entry_point in distribution(dist_name).entry_points
      File "/usr/lib/python3.12/importlib/metadata/__init__.py", line 862, in distribution
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,777 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
        return Distribution.from_name(distribution_name)
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,777 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
      File "/usr/lib/python3.12/importlib/metadata/__init__.py", line 399, in from_name
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,777 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
        raise PackageNotFoundError(name)
    importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: No package metadata was found for websockify
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,814 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    _XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.X11-unix will not be created.
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,814 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    Xvnc TigerVNC 1.13.1 - built Jan 19 2024 21:56:56
    Copyright (C) 1999-2022 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.rst)
    See https://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
    Underlying X server release 12101011
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,814 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    Sat Apr 27 14:04:31 2024
     vncext:      VNC extension running!
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,814 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
     vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 5900
    2024-04-27 14:04:31,814 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
     vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
    2024-04-27 14:04:32,173 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    [mi] mieq: warning: overriding existing handler (nil) with 0x55fd362ba3e0 for event 2
    [mi] mieq: warning: overriding existing handler (nil) with 0x55fd362ba3e0 for event 3
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,759 DEBG 'start' stdout output:
    [info] tint2 not running
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,774 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: Using glib slice allocator (default). Run tint2 with environment variable G_SLICE=always-malloc in case of strange behavior or crashes
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,775 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: xRandr: Found crtc's: 1
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,775 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: xRandr: Linking output VNC-0 with crtc 0, resolution 1024x768, DPI 96
    tint2: No XSETTINGS manager, tint2 uses config option 'launcher_icon_theme'.
    tint2: Loading config file: /home/nobody/.config/tint2/theme/tint2rc
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,776 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: real transparency on... depth: 32
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,783 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: panel items: TSC
    tint2: Systray composited rendering on
    tint2: nb monitors 1, nb monitors used 1, nb desktops 4
    tint2: panel 1 uses scale 1 
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,788 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: Kernel uevent interface initialized...
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,788 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: systray window 8388621
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,790 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    tint2: systray started
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,799 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    (hexchat:108): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:04:35.799: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,801 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    (hexchat:108): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:04:35.801: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine",
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,801 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    (hexchat:108): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:04:35.801: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
    2024-04-27 14:04:35,933 DEBG 'start' stderr output:
    add_icon: 10486130 (hexchat), pid 108, visual 0x55d58bdb8be0, colormap 10486129, depth 32, width 200, height 200


  2. 14 minutes ago, projectsunset said:

    Had I know they were moving to a subscription model, I wouldn't have even considered it.


    Well that's the thing, you don't know, I don't know, and nobody will know until an official statement is made.

  3. 17 hours ago, xthursdayx said:

    @binhex Is there any way to get this docker container to work to with non-ascii characters, for things like directories, for example? I have a number of torrents seeding that have East Asian characters in their file names as well as other non-ascii charaters (ü å etc) and currently when I add them to ruTorrent those characters are just skipped in the resulting filenames and/or directories. I previously ran ruTorrent using the Linuxserver docker image and didn't have a problem with these characters, so I assume that the issue isn't with ruTorrent (or rTorrent) but rather has to do with the locale encoding of your arch-base image? Since your base image has LANG set as en_GB.UTF-8 those characters should work, but perhaps some of the locale files are missing? Or it could be some problem with my container settings, but my setup is pretty simple. Any ideas? Thanks!

    I know it doesn't fix the issue you're seeing, but I've downloaded a few things in Japanese and Korean without any trouble.

  4. 1 hour ago, Chunks said:


    if(count($tmp>1) && (trim($tmp[1])!=''))


    Just from a logic standpoint, left side doesn't make any sense. 


    Good find.  I hadn't had a chance to dig through it. I also have minimal PHP experience, but that's just standard logic. 


    $tmp>1 would just return true or false, I have no idea how this actually works for anyone. You can't get count of a boolean.  When I get a few minutes, I'll see what is on my working machine. 




     if(count($tmp>1) && (trim($tmp[1])!=''))


    It's the same on my working machine, how the hell does this work? 

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Chunks said:


    I have the same issue psycho_asylum. I'm trying to move from Linuxservers retired image to this one. I've done a compare of both php files that are referenced in the stack trace, and they're identical. I did notice however that Linuxserver (which works) is running PHP 8.0.3 and this one is running 7.3.27


    I'm not an expert, but maybe that has something to do with it? I haven't gone beyond this point in my troubleshooting yet.


    I'm running PHP 7.2 on the box that's working, so I don't think it's PHP. :|  

  6. I have a need to run the WebUI behind a separate Reverse Proxy.... in this case, I'm running Nginx Proxy Manager.  




    I found this issue listed and tried to implement the solution from the wiki, but it didn't change anything. Overall, most of the UI works just fine.  So far, the only issue I have run into is an HTTP 500 when I try to add cookies.  Does anyone have a suggestion on how I should configure the host in Nginx Proxy Manager?  



    edit: It seems my thoughts may be misplaced. Bypassing NPM, I still get the same message even though I'm connecting directly. :| 


    2021/05/03 23:10:47 [error] 405#405: *3740 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($var) must be of type Countable|array, bool given in /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/plugins/cookies/cookies.php:38
    Stack trace:
    #0 /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/plugins/cookies/action.php(28): rCookies->set()
    #1 {main}
      thrown in /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/plugins/cookies/cookies.php on line 38" while reading response header from upstream, client: [local_ip], server: localhost, request: "POST /plugins/cookies/action.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "[host]", referrer: "https://[host]/"



    edit2: I have 3 different instances of ruTorrent, two are this docker container, and the other is installed directly on a machine.  Only the two running in docker have this problem. 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Johnster said:

    Is there some tweak so that rutorrent doesn't reset the upload/download stats every time i restart/stop/update the client?




    I believe this info is presented by rtorrent, and rutorrent displays it.  Most clients often reset this when the app is restarted. 


    However, by default, the "Trafic" plugin is installed, and you should see a tab that says "Traffic" on the lower portion of the screen. This keeps a running tally of data use by tracker and you can filter it as you please.

  8. I didn't think to try the HTTPS port. That works for me on latest as well, but now I'm seeing this in the logs:



    2021-02-12 15:37:43,868 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stderr output:
    /home/nobody/rtorrent.sh: line 24: rtxmlrpc: command not found


    2021-02-12 15:40:15,037 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Incoming port range not defined, unable to bind IP address


    Everything seems to be working though.

  9. 1 hour ago, binhex said:

    OK guys its there, please pull tagged 'latest' and you should be back pretty much as it was (minus pyrocore).

    I pulled latest and still got the same timeout as the one before.   Went back to binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn:rtorrent-ps-1.1.r54.ga787dd9-1-28 and it's working again.

  10. 2020-09-22 09:39:49,769 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [crit] 'entries' cannot be resolved, possible DNS issues, exiting...
    # The hostname/IP and port of the server.
    # You can have multiple remote entries
    # to load balance between the servers.

    I'm using OpenVPN on my own remote server and by default, it includes "proto" and "remote" in the comments of the generated config file. These are being recognized as protocols and remote endpoints.


    	vpn_remote_line=$(cat "${VPN_CONFIG}" | grep -P -o '(?<=remote\s).*' | paste -s -d, - || true)

    I think you need a ^ in your regex for remote, probably the same for proto but I can't look further at the moment.




  11. Hello! 


    I've been trying to get this set up for a good portion of today. I don't usually upload from my Unraid box so I just want the remote mounted so I can dockerize plex (it's currently running on a VM).  I don't need to merge any folders or start/stop any docker containers yet.


    The script successfully mounts the remote but it always gives me the mount failed message. I can see the mountcheck file in the directory it is checking. 


    Here are my settings:

    RcloneRemoteName="GSuiteDrive_Storage" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data
    RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/rclone_mount" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone
    LocalFilesShare="ignore" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable
    MergerfsMountShare="ignore" # location without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable
    DockerStart="" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page
    MountFolders=c\{""\} # comma separated list of folders to create within the mount

    And script execution:

    Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/mount_rclone_gsuite_storage/script
    Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
    25.06.2020 12:22:03 INFO: Creating local folders.
    25.06.2020 12:22:03 INFO: *** Starting mount of remote GSuiteDrive_Storage
    25.06.2020 12:22:03 INFO: Checking if this script is already running.
    25.06.2020 12:22:03 INFO: Script not running - proceeding.
    25.06.2020 12:22:03 INFO: *** Checking if online
    25.06.2020 12:22:10 PASSED: *** Internet online
    25.06.2020 12:22:10 INFO: Mount not running. Will now mount GSuiteDrive_Storage remote.
    25.06.2020 12:22:10 INFO: Recreating mountcheck file for GSuiteDrive_Storage remote.
    2020/06/25 12:22:10 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.52.2" starting with parameters ["rcloneorig" "--config" "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf" "copy" "mountcheck" "GSuiteDrive_Storage:" "-vv" "--no-traverse"]
    2020/06/25 12:22:10 DEBUG : Using config file from "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf"
    2020/06/25 12:22:10 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "mountcheck" to be canonical "/"
    2020/06/25 12:22:21 DEBUG : mountcheck: Modification times differ by -58.115950247s: 2020-06-25 12:22:10.156950247 -0700 PDT, 2020-06-25 19:21:12.041 +0000 UTC
    2020/06/25 12:22:40 INFO : mountcheck: Copied (replaced existing)
    2020/06/25 12:22:40 INFO :
    Transferred: 32 / 32 Bytes, 100%, 1 Bytes/s, ETA 0s
    Transferred: 1 / 1, 100%
    Elapsed time: 19.6s
    2020/06/25 12:22:40 DEBUG : 6 go routines active
    25.06.2020 12:22:40 INFO: *** Creating mount for remote GSuiteDrive_Storage
    25.06.2020 12:22:40 INFO: sleeping for 5 seconds
    25.06.2020 12:22:50 INFO: continuing...
    25.06.2020 12:22:50 CRITICAL: GSuiteDrive_Storage mount failed - please check for problems. Stopping dockers
    "docker stop" requires at least 1 argument.
    See 'docker stop --help'.
    Usage: docker stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
    Stop one or more running containers


  12. On 6/5/2020 at 10:31 AM, Cat_Seeder said:

    I know that this is generic advice, but I hope it helps.

    I appreciate it. 


    I don't have the container accessible at all from outside. The only thing I had accessible was a Windows 10 VM, but I disabled that port months ago in favor of using a VPN to get into it. The only port I have open currently on my network is for Plex. 


    I should also mention that this happened just a day after firing up this container.  I previously had everything in qBittorrent but it is really slow. 


    edit: I checked my logs in UniFi and it reports less than 6GB of traffic over the internet last night to/from my Unraid box.


    edit2: https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/561  It may have something to do with this. I'll work with the tracker admin.


    edit3: the tracker admin stated that they do not have this issue as described.


    edit4: We discovered that it was a derivative of the issue above in rtorrent. 

  13. I had 800+ GB download mysteriously reported to a tracker, even though I only seed from this box. Is there anything you can help me with in diagnosing this? I stopped the container and moved everything to qBittorrent to make sure it doesn't get worse, but it's practically unusable with the number I'm seeding.

  14. On 3/14/2020 at 1:36 PM, constellation said:

    I've been getting issues with trackers not connecting at all (status is Not Working in the WebUI). As soon as I restart the docker container it connects fine. I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting tbh. VPN seems to be working since I'm able to see the WebUI and a restart of the docker works fine. Haven't really seen much when searching for tracker not working in this thread.

    Same here. I'm using my own server with OpenVPN. I've noticed that qBittorrent just stops trying to connect and reports timeouts. If I pull up the console for the container, the VPN is connected and everything else connects just fine.  The VPN definitely reconnects like it is supposed to, qBittorrent seems to be giving up and never retrying until a container restart.


    I did not have this issue with ruTorrent, but had other issues where it somehow reported that I downloaded 20 TB on two torrents.

  15. Prior to Unraid, I had a QNAP device that died a horrible death. I built a new NAS with used server hardware from ebay and Unraid fit the bill. I probably have way too many docker containers.


    For next year, I'd like to see OpenVPN baked in. The plugin works, but I've never been able to get it to autostart. 


    Come to think of it, I could just set up a docker container for OpenVPN lol.

  16. 33 minutes ago, je82 said:

    Appears when configuring filezilla to use http 1.0 connect method as proxy the connection goes through


    Status:    Connecting to ftp.sunet.se through HTTP proxy
    Status:    Connecting to
    Status:    Connection with proxy established, performing handshake...
    Status:    Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Status:    Initializing TLS...
    Status:    Verifying certificate...
    Status:    TLS connection established.
    Status:    Logged in
    Status:    Retrieving directory listing...
    Status:    Directory listing of "/" successful


    Not sure if there's anything bad with using  http 1.1 connect method rather then socks?




    (For some reason connection also works without entering the password or username when using http connect method ????)

    I just set up this docker container for use in Firefox. I am also unable to use SOCKS and have to use HTTP Proxy.

  17. 15 minutes ago, binhex said:

    ive read this three times and still cant work out what you mean :-), there is no webui_auth key, only enable_webui_auth and this is a toggle of value yes or no, can you clarify what you mean.


    edit - twigged it, you mean the file, as in /config/nginx/security/webui_auth, well that will only be appended to if the file exists, if it doesnt exist then it will be created, there isnt really much i can do here, as people may in the future store more than one credential in the file, so i cant just delete it and re-create it every time, but it will update your password for your account if you specify an existing user.

    There ya go, I should have included the entire path. If you change the environment variable in the docker ui, it keeps the previously entered user/pass combo. It requires manually editing that file to remove the user.  Just thought it'd be good to have it here in case someone else noticed the same.

  18. 22 hours ago, binhex said:


    Key                 Value               Default         Description
    RPC2_USER           <your username>     admin           sets the username for RPC2 auth
    RPC2_PASS           <your passs>        rutorrent       sets the password for RPC2 auth
    ENABLE_WEBUI_AUTH   yes/no              yes             sets web ui authentication for web ui (nginx) - if you are reverse proxying you probably want this set to no, otherwise yes.
    WEBUI_USER          <your username>     admin           sets the username for web ui auth
    WEBUI_PASS          <your passs>        rutorrent       sets the password for web ui auth



    Thanks for the post, I was wondering why my container didn't start properly. I set the keys in the unraid docker interface but my username and password is still the default.


    edit: turns out both my set user/pass and the default works to login.


    edit2: I had to manually remove the default admin/pass from webui_auth. Can you just create this from the environment variables instead of appending to it? 

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