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Report Comments posted by Scorpionhl

  1. 40 minutes ago, limetech said:

    TBW = what? Total Byes Written?


    Where are you looking at this?

    a) Main page under Writes column, or

    b) SMART Attributes, Data units written

    Sorry, was referring to it in terms of how the SSD manufacturers do for warranty, TBW = Terabytes Written. But yes, this is under the smart data: Data units written  187,917,605 [96.2 TB]

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  2. I started noticing this a few weeks ago, just happened to look at my cache's TBW and thought it was pretty high. This  was a single new NVMe 1TB drive, formatted BTRFS, installed in a brand new unraid box/install in November 2019. Having tracked the TBW for over a week now, it was writing close to 450GB/day while my system was doing nothing remotely close to that. I found this thread and issued the remount no_cache command some people have suggested, and I'm currently looking at 43GB/day (so a 90% reduction). I'm caught between waiting for a fix or clearing it off and formatting to XFS. Since I have no plans to expand this drive pool, I'm probably just going to reformat as XFS.

  3. Wanted to throw my hat in this ring. I have a brand new server (as of Thursday) running on 6.8 RC4, and after migrating the Plex server/data over to it, I have been experiencing a corrupted database after about 24 hours ( means I've restored the database 3 times so far, and that's how long it's taken me to notice the corruption). I restored the Plex database to it's original version (repair attempts didn't work for me). This morning I took the array offline and issued the 'mdcmd set md_restrict 1' command, then restarted the array/Plex. Crossing my fingers for the next 24 hours.

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