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Everything posted by StevenHB

  1. I've installed cups 2.2.7 as a Docker app on my unraid server and had to do some work to get it to start. It now works great, sort-of, enabling access to my networked but not airprint-enabled printers from my Android and my wife's iOS phone . . . until the unraid server reboots. I'm sure that the docker is storing the printer config information somewhere that's not persistent across reboots, but I have no idea how to fix this. Can anyone help? I know that I'm missing some technical knowledge that would enable me to fix this.
  2. Can you (or anyone else here) tell me what community FTP application you use, please?
  3. Thank you both for the quick response. I'm sorry that I overlooked those items while upgrading.
  4. So I've upgraded to 6.1.3. My server is up and the array is online. I'm noticing a few omissions: make - the makefile utility isn't installed screen - also isn't installed I'd like to use screen to run preclear from the command line. Is there a reason that I don't need screen anymore? It's running in a live terminal session, but I recognize that it could fail at any time. I tried installing it as an extra, but I'm now getting an "screen: error while loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory." I'm not sure how to install the so. Can you help?
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