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  1. Thanks for looking into that!!! Yes the settings are still passed over the Command line. Then are written into the XML. The handy thing is you can hugely simplify the command line and just make changes to the XML and it will read all the relevent settings from that .xml. So you're command line is as simple as -loadlatest <savefoldername> <worldnames> -settingspath "Path to custom location for a settings.xml" Also by default it checks for a settings.XML in the same directory of the .exe for the rest of the settings. The settings.xml file will only be generated once you launch a game with a -settings arg in the commandline in the new method. I have started just using the -settingspath arg with no additional args and it will generate the file on first boot. Then I edit the .xml and restart the server. Trouble is in your script BTW thats some really clean coding you've done. You insert the legacy args -batchmode -nographics etc forcing it into legacy mode and that i think is what was tripping me up. I was trying to use the newer commands and it just would not work at the time. But it all come down to the game is buggy as heck when running in the legacy mode for whatever reason. Lots of MP issue show up when launched that way and I have no idea why.
  2. I'm trying the stationers Container however it is very out of date and no longer works. There was a big rework of the engine and it changed how the Multiplayer works. The commands are a little different now. It no longer uses the Defualt.ini instead it can generate a settings.xml file that can hold all of the launch args instead. It can still use the updated launch args but its better with the base xml.
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