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Everything posted by sheiy

  1. port mapping config: unraid network config unraid routing Table: unarid docker containers: vms: run a docker container on vm of ubuntu server with commond "docker run --name nginx-test -p 8088:80 -d nginx" now I have two nginx docker containers one run on unraid and another run on ubunt userver but I can't access the the container run on unraid. same as other container which run on unraid. so how to fix this ? hope for your reply ,thanks! network topography:
  2. can you help me to set the openwrt config? I try and search on google but no ideas
  3. I can tell you my unraid's ip username and password do you need it?
  4. I don't need docker containers communicate with each other . My problom is my docker containers con't route to the Internet please look
  5. Hi , all of my docker containers can't route to the Internet ,any ideas? thanks
  6. in docker can't route to the Internet but in unraid shell it works good tower-diagnostics-20200306-1557.zip
  7. sheiy


    will support it?
  8. I want to use my intel graphics card in multiple vms and docker containers tanks
  9. ok ,thanks for your reply ,I will set the gateway to it is works good.
  10. 😂 so what's the solution of my problem? I see the log of mysql .I found that the docker container can receive requests but can not forward them response to Internet
  11. I seted the port forwarding , if I set unraid's network gateway to they will works good
  12. my AP is an router run with AP model but it has a bug sometimes will change to route model and the ip I set to static and same to other router
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