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Everything posted by ElectricBrainUK

  1. Hi everyone, sorry for my absence here. I appreciate that it has not been working since 6.11, I will produce a final update to fix the issue at some point but I don't have much time at the moment with other projects and my job. Then I will deprecate it as I no longer have the time to work on this. I won't remove it from the app store as there are plenty of people who still need it's functionality and although i haven't been active here I have been somewhat active on the discord still. I may leave it active until unraid make their official API available. Plus it still works on older unraid versions. The application is open source so others are welcome to make changes as well!
  2. The user is always the root user+password combination. Including the Https:// shouldn't make a difference either way - if it continues to fail it may be worth checking your logs
  3. Yeah looks like there is a memory leak - unfortuantely I dont have the time to fix it. Happy to merge pull requests if someone else has the time to look into it. @bobobeastie I just have https://hash.unraid.net as I only set it up via https and not via myservers plugin
  4. As you mentioned you should be using the hashed url not the ip - the host unreachable error suggests to me that you have the unraid api on a custom bridge on the same machine as the unraid box itself? Unraid does not allow custom bridged dockers to reach the host. It looks like you have this set up in both home assistant and unraid? You only need the api in one or the other - I would recommend using the unraid one as the home assistant one is unreliable and outdated. It also looks like youre hosting the mqtt broker on home assistant - assuming that is all set up correctly with auto discovery and the unraid api is configured to read in from the unraid server you should be good to go
  5. What was your discord username? I thought I'd replied to all of the active chats but may have missed you sorry. I am not familiar with UUD though as that is developed by a separate group
  6. Hey - you can use anything you want for the api key - it is used like a password to restrict access to the api
  7. Hi all @Jokerignoi I don't have a way to save the state right now but I can look into it. Though I'm not sure how it would work @tasmith88 Those fields are for the mqtt broker, you need to open the UI of the API and connect your server there @giustancas Sorry but the API installed via home assistant is not working well and I don't have time to support it I'm afraid - I'd recommend using the docker on unraid rather than on the homeassistant itself
  8. Hey - you should check your MQTTCacheTime variable - it wont update all the topics until that time elapses (default is 1 hour) as this saves spamming your home assistant
  9. Hmm, everything looks correct - do the mqtt topics continue to be updated? I may have to try and replicate this as the hide function has always worked in the past and I don't really know why it isn't for you sorry
  10. The 503 error means it is failing to authenticate but there could be a lot of different reasons as to why - check your unraid server logs, it might be that because of the restarts etc the server has blocked it for too many requests, may just be worth stopping the docker over night and trying again in the morning. Otherwise there could be new security changes on the new rc but unfortunately I won't be able to check until next week as I'm going on holiday tomorrow. One thing to check though, what is the network config for the docker itself? Is it just a port on the servers IP? Or have you bridged it its own ip? If it has its own ip it can't communicate with the host
  11. Hi, The logs from the unraid api are what I need, the error you have shared is when the request comes via mqtt however when you do it from the unraid apis ui itself the logs will not contain mqtt etc. and may give a better idea of the issue. Once you have hidden a device from that menu you need to delete it from home assistant as it remembers old devices even once they stop sending messages Cheers
  12. Hi, are you able to start and stop that docker from the unraid api ui? What about from the unraid ui as well? Could you share the logs for the former as well Thanks
  13. Okay thanks for letting me know, it is very odd and I've not seen this behavior before but I will try to reproduce it using the details you've provided
  14. That looks relatively normal, do you have any mappings other than /app/config?
  15. Hi, I'm afraid I've not seen this error before and I don't know what could be causing it. Is there anything in the logs for the unraid api that is suspicious? Or the system logs when the writes are high? Otherwise there is this issue where forcing the api onto a background thread causes it to behave unusually: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI/issues/33
  16. Assuming you have zigbee2mqtt set up with an mqtt broker that is connect to home assistant? If not look into zigbee2mqtt and an mqtt broker Once you have that set up, you want to set up the unraid API adding all of your mqtt broker details in the docker set up, then on the UI adding your unraid server details. There is currently no way to trigger user scripts from the API. So what you would do is create an automation in home assistant that when you press your zigbee button, it turns on VM A and then VM B rather than calling the script.
  17. Hi guys, For the first issue I'm unsure what the problem would be unless pi hole is blocking the api somehow, though I doubt that as it doesn't really use domain names. Try reconfiguring the server in the unraid api and failing that checking the logs of both the api and the unraid server itself @Irithor glad you appreciate, happy it's worked so far. I'm surprised you got the ha app working at all as it has a few problems that I need to sort out! I guess the main thing would be to check the share it is pointing to when it tries to write to config/* and make sure it's properly mapped outside of the docker onto the host somewhere. Not a problem on the unraid docker as the mappings all work but it can be a bit more fiddly in HA! Let me know if you need more help and how you get on. Check here to start with, it should be mapped to a /share folder but it may not be: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/add-ons/configuration/
  18. I'm not as familiar with grafana but the auth is set by setting the authorization header to the base64 of username:password
  19. Hey - that is unusual Im guessing the API is sending a cached response probably something I need to fix and not a problem with your config.. Ill look into it - it should mean that you cant perform actions without auth but the bug with the cache means the data about the server is still shared
  20. Those are the logs from unraid api however I mean the ones from unraid itself - there may be something there which explains why the api is failing to connect, did you try reconfiguring the server in the api as well?
  21. Okay, I have heard a couple of users report a similar issue, I would suggest not using the HA VM one as that is in alpha and not consistently working at the best of times. For the unraid one, have you tried deleting the server altogether (in the menu on the left under manual config) and then restarting the docker and reconfiguring? This may help otherwise try deleting the config folder and starting from scratch. You could also check the server logs on unraid itself to see if there is any extra details on why it is failing to connect there.
  22. Hey, That is odd, 503 suggests it cannot authenticate or is being blocked, try re entering your server details in the ui as sometimes they expire especially if you have the config location set to secure. If you have changed the network config to have its own ip on br0.1 etc then it will not work and will throw this error though this may not be the case. You do not need the unraid api on both, the unraid one works more reliably so I would suggest using only that.
  23. Hey, it should prompt you for a username and password if you set the keystorage variable to secure, however you will also have to authenticate rest requests. Otherwise you could put the UI behind some other reverse proxy or something that adds auth
  24. Hey, currently HTTPS is not supported, you can force it to authenticate more requests by setting the KeyStorage variable to secure
  25. In unraid with the docker removed and the app data config deleted you should be fine. For HA I'm less familiar but removing the docker and then all data in the share as well as any references in the config should work fine. For others that come across the issue with cpu usage that jokeringo and I have discussed here there is a solution: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI/issues/33
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