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Everything posted by ElectricBrainUK

  1. Hey, No not sleep, does unraid support sleep? It can start/stop the array and will be able to restart/ shutdown the host at some point. Cheers
  2. Sounds like there is a problem with the mqtt connection, can you confirm if you see the mqtt messages being sent when container states change? Also is there anything unusual in the logs?
  3. Most major things are listed here: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI/wiki/Home-Assistant-Integration Uptime isn't explicitly but it will report when it turns on so if you're using home assistant that would know uptime. I'll add it to the list though Unraid version isn't there yet but I'll also add that to the list. If by apps you means dockers/ VMS that is there, nothing for plugins though
  4. The person that added that is Ezra a member of our community but as I said best to reach out to him on the discord server as he is not active here, here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/Qa3Bjr9
  5. You can try our discord though, the link is in the first post of this topic, there are a few others there that might be able to help!
  6. Oh cool I didnt know you could add packages like that, thanks! I had been using !include for each thing but my sensors and other files were getting a bit large so this would be a good way to break them up. But Im afraid I really don't know what the problem is sorry! The only thing I can thing of is that the template is creating a sensor with the same name as a glances one, though I thought that would just append a _2 to the id.
  7. I also have them split but for your sensors you had them inline already so I just used that as an example. Where is your glances configured in the integrations section?
  8. Ah okay, so when you add the API sensors it should be as above? That wouldn't explain the issue with glances anyway.. Does the unraid stuff show up or is both the Glances and unraid stuff missing?
  9. That is strange, you havent ended up with two sesnor: tags in your configuration.yaml have you?
  10. Regarding time frame on the add-on I'm not sure but it certainly won't be as long as months! Maybe 1 but if I get an evening where I have a lot of time I'm sure I'll be able to do it. No that looks right to me, does the ha config check return anything unusual?
  11. No I'm not sure yet as I'm a bit busy at the moment, I'll update you when it's available though
  12. Yep! For the 2nd point you can do that using the home assistant link I sent, here is an example for motherboard though: (on mobile so excuse formatting) sensor: - platform: template sensors: server_motherboard: value_template: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.server', 'motherboard') }}"
  13. Hey, first of all no problem for the support, then I'll answer your questions in the same order they were asked: - sometimes entities are listed as unavailable for a short period of time (up to 1 hour by default) as entities are only updated on change but once an hour (env variable MQTTCacheTime can change this to any value in minutes) all states are refreshed. If they are not becoming available after that though let me know - if you shutdown the broker those attributes will not be available. I have my broker on the pi however if the API is shutdown as well it also means those details will become unavailable so I'm working on getting it added to the HA add-on store as well - for statistics like cpu usage I recommend glances as it already has a lot of great features but if you want the details there (which is actually CPU name etc.) You can create custom sensors based on the details already available (you can see a server entity should have those details as attributes) for examples check here: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/template and let me know if you get stuck Cheers
  14. The IP shouldn't matter if you have http or not When you logged in what comes up? Does it display server details or controls?
  15. Hey, you need to log on via the web UI (port 3005 by default) for it to work, unless you've already done that
  16. If you set the MQTTCacheTime variable to a number in minutes you can change it to whatever you like, an hour is just the default. For more details check the wiki: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI/wiki/Docker-installation
  17. That depends, it could be the unraid API docker crashing, it could be the mqtt broker crashing. Or if the HA restarts while the API is still running it will take up to an hour by default to refresh all the states. There could also be a few other reasons, if you could give me some more information that would be helpful. Like does it happen at a certain time or when you do a certain thing, does it come back after a certain amount of time etc. Cheers
  18. Hey, Okay thanks for bringing that to my attention I'll look into it - however I do believe that it should work in HA despite this Do you have autodiscovery turned on for the MQTT integration in HA? If so do you have both that and the unraid API configured to use the same base topic? Cheers
  19. Not at the minute, but I'll add it to the to-do list!
  20. Ahh it is probably the non standard port, if you delete your servers.json file and restart the api, then set the server up as ip:port it should work
  21. Okay thanks, just to check: - is your unraid ui served over https or http? - do you have any unusual plugins that alter the unraid ui? - a 404 status code suggests it cannot reach the IP of your server at all, how is the network configured for the unraid API? Host, bridge etc.
  22. Hi, that all seems correct to me. I will get rid of the second log in at a later date as it's not necessary. Are you using https for your unraid instance? If so you need to add the https:// part in the IP section. Will make this more clear in the docs. Otherwise what information is in the logs?
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