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Posts posted by techscholar

  1. Success! So I have the server back up and it looks to be working as it was prior to the "issue" with one exception. I have errors on my 2nd cache drive (refer attached image). I think that drive may be on its way out??? I better look at how I can undertake some diagnostics on the drive to get a definitive answer as the drive is currently still under warranty.


    Another thing I noticed was a new section on the Main tab called Historical Devices (refer attached image). Does anyone know what this is and should I just delete these OR do I need to do something with this detail?


    I thought I'd quickly jot down the main steps I had to go through. Hopefully it might be useful to someone else?

    1. Mount the drive that is reporting as "Unmountable" (using the FAQ referenced in my previous post).
    2. Backup all data on the drive to another drive (I used rsync. e.g. rsync -aczvAXHS --progress /source /target Note: I found that the source directory was created in the target directory with all of it files and folder structure).
    3. Compare the backed up data with the original [optional] (I used rsync. e.g. rsync -n -avrc /source/ /target/source/).
    4. Unmount the drive (e.g. umount /source).
    5. Destroy data on the drive (my device was a SSD so I used blkdiscard /dev/sdX).
    6. Format the drive via the unRAID GUI.
    7. Copy all data back onto the cache drive (rsync -aczvAXHS --progress /target/source/ /mnt/cache).
    8. Compare the restored files [optional] (rsync -n -avrc /target/source/ /mnt/cache/).
    9. Reboot the unRAID server.




  2. After a reboot of my unRAID server I noticed my cache drives (2 x 1TB SSDs mirrored) are showing as 'Unmountable: No File System'. The array also immediately performed a parity check which passed without errors.


    I found a post (by sniggil) with a similar issue to my own. A response from JorbeB pointed to the below post which I have followed to mount the cache drives individually and backed up the data from both drives onto a drive in my Unassigned Devices. Given they were mirrored I'm not sure if this was absolutely necessary, but I don't want to loose anything if at all possible.

    To backup the drives I mounted the 1st cache drive on /x and the 2nd on /y then used the following commands to create a copy of the data:

    rsync -aczvAXHS --progress /x /mnt/disks/UD_TempStorage/cache_d1_backup

    rsync -aczvAXHS --progress /y /mnt/disks/UD_TempStorage/cache_d2_backup


    Note: I don't know enough about rsysnc to come up with the above commands - full disclosure, I found them online!

    I now have no clue on the process I need to follow to get the system back up and running correctly and are seeking some guidance. I am thinking something like:

    1. Format the cache drives.
    2. Copy the data from my Unassigned Device drive to the newly formatted cache drive(s).


    I have included the Tools -> Diagnostics output for completeness.


    Any information would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.


  3. I had a similar issue to @snowborder714 but my setup was working one day and then not the next. I found the same display behaviour was occurring with my issue which ended up being that I ran out of HD space. I removed some files and as soon as Shinobi could write to the disk again, the main image re-appeared. I thought I set Shinobi up to record continuously and to overwrite files when the disk became full.


    Now to try and figure out why it is writing files with root:root (I'm sure it is something I have done, or not done!).

  4. On 5/19/2020 at 8:52 PM, cinereus said:

    Sorry. To be clear does this file "timemachine.service" go in  /etc/avahi or  /etc/avahi/services?

    Thanks to whomever found this "work-around"! I found this worked for me when I placed the timemachine.service file into the /etc/avahi/services directory. I hope this helps someone as it definitely helped me out.


    P.S. It would be great if this was fixed at some point. 

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