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Everything posted by Bokonon

  1. Adding the following to NotificationAgents.xml allows Telegram to work for notifications. Not the easiest process to setup though. First you have to send @BotFather a message '/newbot', after a few steps it sends you back your HTTP API. Then you need to start a conversation with your bot in order to get the Chat ID to send to. Not sure there is an easy way to integrate this into the settings page, I manually queried the API to get the chat ID. <Agent> <Name>Telegram</Name> <Variables> <Variable Help="The API key can be found [a href='https://core.telegram.org/bots/api' target='_blank'] [u]here[/u].[/a]" Desc="API key" Default="">API_KEY</Variable> <Variable Help="Chat ID [a href='https://core.telegram.org/bots/api' target='_blank'] [u]here[/u].[/a]" Desc="Chat ID" Default="">CHAT_ID</Variable> <Variable Help="Specify the fields which are included in the message body of the notification." Desc="Notification Message" Default="$DESCRIPTION">MESSAGE</Variable> </Variables> <Script> <![CDATA[ #!/bin/bash ########## {0} ########## MESSAGE=$(echo -e "$MESSAGE") URL=https://api.telegram.org/bot$(echo -e "$API_KEY") CHATID=$(echo -e "$CHAT_ID") curl -s -k -G \ --data-urlencode "text=$MESSAGE" \ $URL/sendMessage?chat_id=$CHATID ]]> </Script> </Agent> Edit: While looking for something else I noticed theres another way to get the chatid. Send '/getid' to IDBot @myidbot (https://telegram.me/myidbot) and it will reply with your chat id
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