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Everything posted by x88dually

  1. Virgin install of 6.8.3, new drives. Took a drive formatted as xfs, ran parity check with that single drive as xfs, and 6 btrfs drives. Then took the xfs drive an reformatted to btrfs. and started a parity check. theres a butt load of corrected errors so far. when parity check is done an all those errors will be fixed and array should be fine now ?
  2. Thank You for all your help.
  3. should i stop parity check.? stop array, take all disks outta position, they go into UD, then break partitions, mount them , then put into disk positions, then start array and let unraid take over ?
  4. that setting was already btrfs, but that drive didnt do it until you told me to click a disk #, i clicked disk # and changed it So next time i put in a drive, put it in case, unraid sees it an puts it in UD, i mount drive, then put it into a disk position, click disk #, anmd make fs btrfs, then i start array ? and unraid does the rest ? one last question
  5. so i mount the drive, then i click disk # an make file system what i want ? and unraid does the rest ? its doin parity check right now. Should i start all over now ?
  6. i put a brand new drive into case, unraid sees that drive and puts it into UD. I preclear the drive. then format it, then mount it, then put it into a disk position.
  7. how do i do it inside array ?
  8. since i'm doing this wrong. Would you please tell me exactly {in detail} how to do this the right way ?
  9. after i do it this was i run a parity check.
  10. In unraid 6.8.0, it was formatted as btrfs, couldnt upgrade for whatever reason, now, everytime in unraid 6.8.3 unraid makes it xfs. i load a drive into this 24 bay case, unraid makes that drive{s} UD. i dont have a choice. So i go from there, killing partition, formatting, mounting, then putting whichever drive into whichever disk # its supposed to be or where i want it to go. thats wrong ?
  11. will auto give me xfs or btrfs ?
  12. unraid will not let me reformat that drive as btrfs. Thats what the screenshots about. Unraid wont let me do it.
  13. it did parity check with 1 drive as xfs, and the rest of the drives were btrfs. Already did parity check. Look at the screenshot
  14. This was a virgin install. what is ud ? whatever i'm doing, look at the screenshot, parity is valid.
  15. tower-diagnostics-20200731-1014.zip
  16. It was btrfs, in the screenshot, and thats what unraids spits out. How do i do the diags ?
  17. Had Previous 6.8.0 with 1 12tb data drive as btrfs. Updated to 6.8.3, put in original drive and added 6 drives, formatted as btrfs. Original drive wasnt mountable, so unraid mounted and formatted it as xfs, and then the start button was usable. Clicked start array, and 1 drive was xfs and the other 6 new drives are btrfs. i've stopped array, tryed to reformat drive to btrfs, statrted array, And drive says unmountable, no file system. How do i change the original drive from xfs to btrfs ??
  18. Installed CA com apps, preclear and ass devices. drives were windows formatted. put in case and theres no preclear or format options. WHY ??
  19. Virgin stall of 6.8.3. There is nowhere to search for plugins.
  20. Thank You i just respomded
  21. had to reinstall on new usb, tryed to replace the reg key get error 403, key is blacklisted. Its brand new, delievered yesterday, opened package today. WTH ?? what do i do now ?
  22. Well, you cant start your own thread, you can only reply to threads already made. Data traveler 2.0
  23. Sorry, an error (403) occurred registering USB Flash GUID 0930-6544-377D-C42159580FD9 The error is: GUID '0951-1666-CFA5-E331292FCD97' is blacklisted Brand new, WTH ??
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