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Posts posted by joshkrz


    On 5/29/2024 at 10:07 PM, hmorrico said:

    Did your issue go away? Have been having the exact same thing happen for the last few weeks. I do use a custom docker network for my qbittorrentvpn setup but I see my docker network settings is set to ipvlan. Should I try macvlan?

    Yep, my server has been solid ever since but I'm still dealing with the fallout of my cache corruption as a result of these crashes with various permission issues from restoring backups to outright not being able to restore nextcloud or mariadb.


    Follow the instructions in the link I posted starting with "For those users, we have a new method that reworks networking to avoid issues with macvlan."

  2. So after some testing by disabling docker for a couple of weeks I deduced that it was docker that was the issue.


    I followed the instructuions outlined here: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/release-notes/6.12.4/#fix-for-macvlan-call-traces in the section that allows you to keep macvlan enabled.


    So far I have had no cashes and my Unraid machine is stable once again.

    • Like 1
  3. For the past few months my server keeps crashing and locking up completley every week or so, sometimes more often sometimes less.


    It requires me to hold the power button to force shutdown, which has eventually led my cache pool to become corrupt.


    The only two entries shown before the last crash were:

    Nov  9 19:37:08 home-server monitor: Stop running nchan processes
    Nov  9 19:37:08 home-server kernel: BUG: Bad rss-counter state mm:00000000084043e9 type:MM_SHMEMPAGES val:1


    This issue seems to coincide with me upgrading from 6.11.5 to 6.12.4 but I cannot be 100% sure.


    I've looked at this thread but as with the OP hugepages seems to be disabled on my system.



    Edit: It also appears this person has the exact same issues as me including a corrupt cache pool, it was also posted around the same time I think my problems started.


    home-server-diagnostics-20231110-1116.zip syslog-

  4. On 8/27/2022 at 6:40 PM, Matt77 said:

    I Had a similar issue with the latest (22.8.16) version.

    only option for me was to download a previous version, for me only 22.3.16 was available, and putt it in the appdata-download folder of Xeoma.

    editing the config file to mentioned the version 22.3.16, and now its working again.

    not sure what the problem with the 22.8.16 is.


    I tried doing this initially and it didn't work - the problem was I had to use the Linux 64 version and also rename the file in the download folder to xeoma_22.3.16.tgz for the docker init scripts to pick it up.


    For convienience you can download older Xeoma versions here: https://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/changes/

  5. Thanks for this Docker image, it works well for the most part!


    I'm having touble accessing my routers web interface over VPN. I can connect to everything else on my local network but not Interestingly if I port scan that IP when connected to the VPN it shows the correct ports open.


    I get a connection reset error when attempting to access my router control panel. I've left all settings as defaults except setting WG_ALLOWED_IPS to


    Has anyone else experienced this?

  6. On 2/12/2021 at 1:48 PM, Djoss said:

    I'm not sure to understand the issue with NAT loopback.  It seems to be an easier solution since you don't need to override local DNS... ?

    I would have thought it would be quicker to resolve locally than using a loopback?


    I also like the idea that the DNS request isn't leaving my network for a local machine.


    In the template there are options to change the ports which don't appear to work, was this functionality present previously?



  7. I have a Windows VM that has an Nvidia GPU and a SSD passed through via two IOMMUI groups.


    I have recently enabled my onboard LAN to add a new subnet to my network for virtual machines however this onboard NIC shares the same IOMMUI group as my SDD.


    I have heard of PCIe ACS override but it sounds unstable and I dont want to split my GPU group. What is the proper way of dealing with this?




    Screenshot 2021-02-03 at 9.08.26 am.png

  8. 9 hours ago, koaly said:

    Unraid boots both in normal and GUI mode. In the GUI mode display shows the loading process until the moment, when the login page must appear. Then the screen becomes blank with the blinking underscore in the left top corner.

    I need GUI mode to manage Unraid locally.

    CSM is not supported by new Renoir APUs. This is what Asrock has written me on my support request about disabled CSM.

    If you have a spare PCI-E slot you could opt for a super cheap GPU to get things running locally. It's not ideal by any means but it could get your setup working in the short term. 

  9. On 9/8/2020 at 2:45 PM, koaly said:

    Hi guys,


    I do not want to start a new thread if my problem is the same, but requires different solution.

    I am new in Unraid and using trial still.

    I got a problem booting in GUI mode too on UEFI. Unfortunately CSM mode is disabled on MB. 


    My config is

    - Asrock x570m pro4

    - Ryzen 5 pro 3400ge

    - 2x16Gb Kingston DDR4 2666 ECC Udimm


    Are there still options how to boot in UEFI with GUI? I read about "nomodeset" in config @USB stick, but I am not sure about right syntaxis.

    Thanks in advance

    CSM is disabled.jpg

    That's strange that you have no options in that menu, check the other tabs to see if you have a global CSM switch.


    You could also try using the latest Unraid Beta. I can boot using v6.9 Beta 25 with CSM disabled.

  10. I managed to get CSM working on my motherboard which has allowed me to access the Unraid GUI.

    I had to enable CSM but disable all of the options within it. I set the following options to Disabled / Do not run:

    • Launch PXE OpROM Policy
    • Launch Storage OpROM Policy
    • Other PCI Device ROM Priority

    I also turned off the boot image so it displays the POST, not sure if that helped.


    It's worth noting that video only worked on the GPU, in the 1.40 motherboard firmware you cannot enable CSM if your running only on integrated graphics.


    Edit: Can confirm that Unraid 6.9 Beta 25 boots properly when CSM is disabled.


    Edit 2: Just to clarify I'm running a 10th Gen Intel i5 iGPU.

    • Thanks 2
  11. 13 hours ago, jonathanm said:

    You can use the USB flash creator to get the beta.

    Thanks for the tip, I didn't realise the USB creator could grab the beta version. My only question is how do I keep my current configuration?

  12. I'm migrating to a new build and I'm having problems booting into GUI mode.


    My specs are:


    I see the boot selection menu and the commands that run whilst Unraid starts but I get a flashing caret at the point when the GUI should show up. I need the GUI because my NIC isn't supported in Unraid yet so I cannot access the web interface.


    After looking at this thread it appears that I need to enable CSM on my motherboard. I'm having problems with this though and I can't get it to display anything at all, including the UEFI setup, when enabled (which im also looking into).


    Is there a way to get the GUI operational without enabling CSM? What is the cause of this? I didn't have a problem on my older ASRock Z390M motherboard, it just worked out of the box.


    Alternatively, how do I configure the network settings without being able to access the GUI? Can I do it through the command line?



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