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Posts posted by Mobious

  1. During a parity-sync or rebuilding parity does the cache drive play any part? I am rebuilding my parity drive right now and all of the app data is on cache but it is idle. Is it suppose to play a part in the rebuilding process or does the array know where the appdata is?

  2. I just upgraded my server, MB Ram and CPU but left the usb drive the same. Now I am getting an API Error Network_ERRORNETWORK unable to connect to mothership. I've tried signing out and back in several times but its still not working.


    I ran wget --output-document - https://mothership.unraid.net in console and go this.


    --2023-05-02 16:51:58-- https://mothership.unraid.net/
    Resolving mothership.unraid.net (mothership.unraid.net)...,,, ...
    Connecting to mothership.unraid.net (mothership.unraid.net)||:443... connected.
    ERROR: cannot verify mothership.unraid.net's certificate, issued by ‘CN=E1,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US’:
      Issued certificate not yet valid.
    To connect to mothership.unraid.net insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.


  3. Last year I purchased a Samsung 980 NVMe drive to act as my cache drive. A few months ago I started getting notifications that it was over heating during some Unraid operation. At the time I had the drive in a PCIE to NVMe adaptor and figured it wasn't getting enough air to cool it down. However, I also had a Samsung 970 NVMe right below it in the same enclosure and it never overheated. Last week, I upgraded my server and the mother board to an ASUS Strix Z-690E that has 3 on board M.2 slots. The slot that I installed the 980 in has a heat pipe but it still reports in Unraid that it is overheating. The notification is set at 84c.


    My questions are, is 84c ok for the drive? If so should I just up the threshold? or does it sound like this drive is faulty?




  4. Hello,


    I am having problem with the Date/Time plugin. The time it gets is 5 hours behind the current time. I am in the US Eastern Time Zone. I have tried multiple different NTP servers and the time is correct in the bios. Does anyone know how to fix this?



  5. Hello,


    I am considering upgrading my current server and would like some community guidance. My goal is to set something up that is more power efficient, and modern. I currently use a dual Xeon E5-2665 v1 setup with 64GB ram, 6 x 8TB WD Red drives attached to an LSI SAS card, 3 x Samsung EVO M.2 drives, and a Quadro P400 for transcoding. My primary use for the server is Plex, Nextcloud, Bitwarden, SearXNG, and occasionally 1 Windows 10 VM. At idle this beast eats up between 180 to 250 watts.


    I would like to reduce the power usage a bit while maintaining a capable server.  Any CPU and motherboard recommendations you guys could make would me much appreciated.


  6. This morning I follow a tutorial on how to setup PiHole and Unbound on an Ubuntu VM. Everything installed properly and I pointed my LAN DNS to the PiHole server. I can access any external website including my own dockers like Nextcloud, Plex and others. The only thing I cant do is access my Unraid server locally or using the xxx.unraid.net/login address. The Unraid website can still see my server but when I click local access I get the "Site canot be reached" error.


    I am assuming this has something to do with rebinding local IPs but I cant figure how to correct it. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks!

  7. On 8/30/2020 at 11:08 AM, stevep94 said:

    Hi @Mobious - Did you manage to get your Ark server working? I've been having a go this afternoon and I can it to show in the server list and can connect but whenever I start/restart the docker container, the GameUserSettings.ini file in ask-se/Shootergame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer seems to reset itself back to the default settings?


    I used the ini file creator here and no matter how much I overwrite the original file, it simply refuses to stay with the settings on my created file!?!? (in fact the two .ini files are very different in terms of content!)

    Sorry for the delay. It turns out it was working the entire time. For some reason I can't see the steam listing. It probably has something to do with NAT reflection or something... Ich was able to see my server and connect without a problem.

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  8. 3 hours ago, ich777 said:

    From what I've see in the logs the server is just running fine.


    Have you tried to search it in the steam server browser woth your local ip and the query port (not the ingame one).


    Have you also turned on private servers in the ingame server browser, also please note that you have to make it reachable from outside that it shows up in the ingame server browser (I think there ia a special startup paramater to make it lan visible only).


    Can you send me a message and i will give you an IP and try to OP you and we can also try the same on your server.

    I searched the ARK wiki and added the following command line parameters. ?serverPVE=True?listen?alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=True?alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=True?AllowFlyerCarryPve=True. It's been up for about an hour now and the external ip still shows as not responding. I will DM you with the connection info.

  9. For the life of me I can not get an ARK server to be visible on the Steam server list. I can see and connect to my server on LAN. I have searched this topic and Google but just can't get it to be visible.


    My server sits behind a pfSense router and I have the ports open.


    The docker is setup with default settings the only thing I changed is to add ?serverPVE=True. However, no network information is shown under port mappings. I have also tried this with the default "Bridge" network type, it did show network mappings but still had the same problem. I could connect on LAN but it wouldn't show in Steam



    This is what it shows in the log when the server starts.


    Any help getting this working would be appreciated. Also, is a dedicated Steam account needed? I setup the server without an account because it wouldn't download the server if I had my account credentials in the docker settings.

  10. 42 minutes ago, Spazhead said:

    that won't work, you have to use an external ip...   either tether your pc to your phone LTE or get a friend to login to your minecraft server.

    or you can PM me your ip and i can log into your server  tp test


    Ah so you cant connect to a server that is on your local network from an external ip?

  11. 47 minutes ago, Spazhead said:

    what are you using to remote connect? 

    I used my  iphone in LTE mode but had to enable Allow cellular inside Minecraft settings for it to connect to my server..

    I was trying to connect with Minecraft for Windows 10. It can connect locally, I just created a new entry using my external IP address.

  12. 8 hours ago, binhex said:

    im suspecting you are connecting directly to the containers console (left click minecraft icon/console) NOT the unraid hosts console (shown as 'terminal'). you need to do this from the unraid 'terminal' or ssh to the unraid host via something like putty.

    Thank you that did the trick.


    One last problem that I couldnt find the solution for in this thread.. I am trying to host it so external users can access it. I currently use pfSense as my router and I did set up port forwarding for 19132 TCP/UDP to point to my server but for some reason I cant connect. In the docker I've tried using a bridge connection that uses the same IP as my Unraid server and a custom proxy that my Plex server uses but setup a different IP.

    Also, In the console when I started the server it couldn't local Server.properties. I was however able to connect to the server local on the LAN.


    btw thank you for the help!

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