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Everything posted by Electrohacker

  1. So I notice now that my server is running smoothly that the app section is extremely hard to understand and navigate. Sometimes you load an app and it just works (plex) other times you load an app and it not what you wanted at all (zoneminder). I noticed there is a Myth TV app, but it says it only adds transcode to some other app. I'm wondering if there is an app that can record tv, like myth backend then i can use a myth frontend to display it on a tv (hopefully using a raspberry pi) the other option, I guess, is to pay plex their $120 lifetime fee to get the same feature baked into plex, but I know there are free options like myth
  2. off topic, but I dont want to start a new post for a easy question, I have gigabit netowrking, cat5e or better cables, built in gigabit ethernet on both computers and a gigabit netgear switch between. WHY are my transfer rates only 10-11mbit's/ sec? maybe my server has a bottleneck?
  3. yes, the drive is usb2 and the port is usb 2. unfortunately the smallest size available was 16gb not very space efficient, but it will work
  4. yes, that is exactly what I meant by that. luckily I have a very good backup and the drives were already empty from the last unraid install. I only lost time to rebuild the parity. Thank you very much, now I can get on to installing plex and enjoying my server
  5. I also found that copying the config file like you said messes up your key, not worth it
  6. it worked, DOCKER IS NOW WORKING! and I got a really small usb memory since my motherboard doesnt have internal USB
  7. I'm going to the store to buy a few new drives, name brand this time. unfortunately you cant buy 2gb name brand anymore. oh yeah and smaller. I'm using some no name chinese throw away they gave me eplan learning materials on back in the day. I'm guessing if I make a new drive it can find the array without issue
  8. so I am trying to follow the extremely outdated how to video on how to start up my docker and then try and install plex, but I get this so far I cant seem to dig up any information other than the referred to directories do not exist and I cannot seem to create then via command line.
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