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  1. Yeah, I know. It didn't do it before without setting "" set though. That was the issue I had. It's working perfectly now.
  2. @DZMM Thanks for looking into it. Unfortunately this isn't what I was looking for. I'm fine with it writing to the cache at all times, that's the intent, I only want it to read from the first available location in the chain. But thanks to your hint with the policies I actually found the solution. It's the "" setting. By adding this I can ensure that the merged directory will follow the order of the sources in the mergerfs command. I just tested it and it works exactly as I wanted it to. If a file with the same name exists in all four merged sources it will first display the one on the cache (/mnt/user/media), then the array (/mnt/user/media_array), then the regular Gdrive (/mnt/disks/media_remote) and finally on the Team Share (/mnt/disks/media_team). As soon as I delete the file on the first path in the chain, it will show the next available one. My mergerfs command now looks like this: mergerfs /mnt/user/media_cache:/mnt/user/media_array:/mnt/disks/media_remote:/mnt/disks/media_team /mnt/disks/media -o rw,async_read=false,use_ino,allow_other,func.getattr=newest,category.action=all,category.create=ff,,cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true I renamed media to media_cache to make it easier to see which source it is. The only added entry is "" which does exactly what I'm looking for.
  3. My merge command looks like this: mergerfs /mnt/user/media:/mnt/user/media_array:/mnt/disks/media_remote:/mnt/disks/media_team /mnt/disks/media -o rw,async_read=false,use_ino,allow_other,func.getattr=newest,category.action=all,category.create=ff,cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true /mnt/user/media = media folder on cache drive that everything is written to /mnt/user/media_array = media folder on the array that I'd like to put offline versions of some of my media /mnt/disks/media_remote = encrypted Gdrive mounted via Rclone /mnt/disks/media_team = encrypted Gdrive team share mounted via Rclone, only used if I hit the daily upload limit and I'm later moving the files to the regular Gdrive Sonarr and Radarr are moving the downloaded files to /mnt/user/media and I'm using an upload script to move those files to the cloud drive later. Plex can see the files from all four sources via /mnt/disks/media. This all works fine, so there isn't any issue with the expected functionality of MergerFS. I'm only curious about the specific edge case when a file simultaneously exists in more than one source. Where would MergerFS load the file from in that case? In UnionFS you can change that via the order of the merged drives in the mount command, but I haven't found any defined logic about how MergerFS handles this. I tested it by creating four files with different content but the same name in all of the merged sources and when I accessed the file via /mnt/disks/media it loaded the file from /mnt/disks/media_remote even if I switched the drive order in the command around. My first thought was that it's choosing the newest file by default because when I edited one of them it did update the timestamp accordingly, but when I opened the file it still loaded the same as before, not the one that actually has the highest timestamp. So it just seems to me that this isn't really an expected use case for MergerFS. It expects a file to only exist once in any of the merged sources. I guess the only way to achieve what I'd like to do is by naming the local file differently and having it as an additional version in Plex. It's too bad that you can't choose a name for a different version to make it look a bit nicer in Plex, at least not without editing the database entry manually.
  4. First of all, thanks a lot for your scripts. They were very helpful in setting up my Unraid environment in combination with my encrypted Google cloud drive for Plex streaming and downloading. I've got a question though which someone here may know the answer to: Does MergerFS have a concept of drive priorities like UnionFS does? My idea was to have certain files duplicated on the local Unraid array for offline playback. I know I could do this by naming them differently than what they're called on the cloud drive, but then they would appear in Plex as two separate versions or I'd have to create an entirely separate library for this, but I wanted to make this completely transparent to the user. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any information on setting any kind of access priority when merging drives with MergerFS. The order of the drives only seems to determine which drive is used for writing. Does anybody know if this is possible at all with MergerFS?