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Issues with Crushftp, help/advice needed


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I am in the process of setting up my new Unraid server, I'm not very experienced with it so please bear with me as I am sure I am leaving some details out that you will need

I am trying to transfer data from my old QNAP Nas to this new Unraid NAS and I was going to use FTP. 
I had this working before Christmas but one of the drives died before I could finish and I had to buy a couple of new drives and start again so I put it on the long finger over the holidays.

I was using Crushftp last time to ftp the files across so when I went to start the process this time I attempted the same but I was clearly tired so when logging in I typed in the wrong password and seems that the ip address has been banned. I have tried removing the app and starting again but still says the same thing. Anyone know how to reset this?

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Sorry, just to make it clear, it was Crushftp on Unraid that has banned my IP and as I cant get into it I cant change any settings. Looking for a way to reset that log or completely wipe the docker but every time I remove it and re-install it, it remembers and I still cant get in

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