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How do I modify files in a docker container NOT from the apps tab?

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Basically I'm trying to set up an Among Us server for my friends and I since we constantly have issues with the public ones provided. https://github.com/Impostor/Impostor/blob/dev/docs/Running-the-server.md

I've added it to my list of dockers by using "Add container" and filling out the info, but now I can't figure out where to add plug-ins or configure the .json files. I've *extremely* new to docker and containerization, so I'm sure I'm missing something here. Thank you for any and all help.

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13 hours ago, thejellydude said:

Basically I'm trying to set up an Among Us server for my friends and I since we constantly have issues with the public ones provided. https://github.com/Impostor/Impostor/blob/dev/docs/Running-the-server.md

I've added it to my list of dockers by using "Add container" and filling out the info, but now I can't figure out where to add plug-ins or configure the .json files. I've *extremely* new to docker and containerization, so I'm sure I'm missing something here. Thank you for any and all help.

Based on the link you provided you should have setup 3 volume mounts for your container


- /path/to/local/config.json:/app/config.json # For easy editing of the config
- /path/to/local/plugins:/app/plugins         # Only needed if using plugins
- /path/to/local/libraries:/app/libraries     # Only needed if using external libraries


In the case of unraid the "/path/to/local" would likely be a folder in your appdata folder like "/mnt/user/appdata/amoungus". Within the amoungus folder you would have a subfolder "plugins" and a subfolder "libraries". The config.json is a bit of a special case. That file should be put directly into the amoungus folder since the above recommended mapping maps the file in directly. You will want to make sure the permissions for everything in the amoungus folder are correct for the container, I typically just set them to 777.

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