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Strange unraid issues.


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Hey all,


I was looking for input. I've had a number of issues with unraid and the VMs with PCI-passthrough. I have lengthy thread about a headache an RX 560 gave me. I'll give you a brief summarized history:


Last July I reconfigured my unraid server hardware to some degree and it suddenly stopped allowing my VM run headless with an XFX RX560 on a VM via Passthrough (where it had been working before). I eventually discovered the cause and ran a second video card for booting. While troubleshooting this issue I physically broke the USB drive, and swapped it as a precaution, though it seemed to work.

This December, I rebuilt the server, keeping only the array and the RX560, adding an RX 570, and it became really unstable and it repeatedly would corrupt the USB drive on boot, and strangely removing the RX560 resolved. I had been running with a Geforce 1080, then a Geforce 1060 3GB without issue since then, waiting for a better config. Today I upgraded the ram and the system was requiring a full power cycle to restart the VM associated with the 1060. Suspect Nvidia's hatred of Virtualization on consumer cards, I swapped it out for a RX470 (so, running an RX570 and RX 470 side-by-side) and the server became highly unstable after recreating and starting the VM associated with it, eventually, like in early December, corrupting my USB drive. This was exceptionally frustrating, but now the drive is not recovering, and throwing I/O errors.


I expect this is just a coincidence, but has anyone else had problems with two Polaris based cards causing data corruption on a USB drive? Or any video card for that matter? This seems really odd to begin with, but I can't discount the server just working fine and dandy with the removal of the RX560. I'm requesting a key replacement, now, as I need a second one within a year, but I'm looking to see if there's anything known on this I wasn't able to find in a search.

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