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Unable to view/edit appdata\openvpn-as\etc\as.conf file so I can comment out Admin Account code

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Hi all,

Newer user here - I've just been installing OpenVPN on my server following SpaceInvader One's excellent 2019 update video. Prior to using this update I was working from the previous 2017 version here:



At 9:17 into this video he walks through the process of ensuring that the OpenVPN admin account DOES NOT reset each time the server is reset, creating an ongoing security risk.


For some strange reason I am unable to access the as.conf file to complete this process. As far as I can tell, my Share settings for appdata give me read/write access to the files within it, and I am able to open other files in the same subdirectory without issue (using Notepad ++).


I assume I am missing something straightforward here, but have not been able to solve the problem. Any assistance would be great :)








Edited by nametaken_thisonetoo
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If you can access the other files in the same folder of that share but no the one you need to edit, I'd lean toward a permission issue of the file in question or the system is using it and keeping it from being opened??


Can you use Krusader to access and change the file?? That is my preferred method of accessing files in the appdata folders, so it might work here as well.


If that doesnt work maybe get into the share and copy the file to your desktop and edit it there and copy back in??


Just a couple of ideas. 

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