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Networking problems.


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Here's the backstory. A week or so ago i tried updating my pihole server to the newest version. The update failed half way through so i just did a clean install of pihole. My Unraid server worked great and i had no other networking issues until the fresh install of pihole on my raspberry pi. During this i also had to reset of router because i couldn't access the routers gui. I had to call my isp and have them re-provision my modem in order to get an internet connection again.



Since then i have to set up my pihole exactly how it is was before and did the same with the router. However Unraid is now unreachable via gui and my shares aren't accessible through windows anymore, plex won't start. basically nothing. I've deleted the network.cfg file, tried the same one i had before and nothing will work. I am needing some serious help here. I cannot figure what has happened.  I attached my diagnostics file which is pretty much jibberish to me ha.




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In my opinion, You got some problems in your local network configuration-- not in your Unraid server.  You should not be getting two different IP addresses for your server by a simple server reboot.  The DHCP process should remember what IP address it assigned to a specific MAC address for fair period of time (say, a couple of days in a home environment). 


Deleting the Unraid Network configuration file(s) is normally used (1) when the hardware setup has changed or (2) the user has manually modified the network configuration into an unusable state.  When the file(s) are deleted, Unraid will then set them in accordance with a set of rules that works 99.99% of the time. 

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14 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

In my opinion, You got some problems in your local network configuration-- not in your Unraid server.  You should not be getting two different IP addresses for your server by a simple server reboot.  The DHCP process should remember what IP address it assigned to a specific MAC address for fair period of time (say, a couple of days in a home environment). 


Deleting the Unraid Network configuration file(s) is normally used (1) when the hardware setup has changed or (2) the user has manually modified the network configuration into an unusable state.  When the file(s) are deleted, Unraid will then set them in accordance with a set of rules that works 99.99% of the time. 


I agree with the networking issues. Ive reset the modem and router again tonight and still will not work. now it br0 is broadcasting after i set a static ip.



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